Shop 2 Levels Controls

    ,for, Item ID-
  • #211624
  • Providers like you icon
  • Quantimetrix #1440-02
Urine Chemistry Control Set Dropper® Urinalysis Dipstick Testing 2 Levels 4 X 25 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1141855
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  • Abbott Rapid Dx North America LLC #1116975
Diabetes Management Test Control Set Afinion™ Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) 2 Levels 2 X 0.5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1088563
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  • Quantimetrix #1440-06
Urine Chemistry Control Set Dropper® Plus Urinalysis Dipstick Testing 2 Levels 2 X 5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #940470
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  • Alcor Scientific Inc #DSC06
Hematology Control Set Seditrol® Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) 2 Levels 6 X 4.5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #211623
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  • Quantimetrix #1440-01
Urine Chemistry Control Set Dipper® Urinalysis Dipstick Testing 2 Levels 6 X 15 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #832775
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  • Abbott Rapid Dx North America LLC #88773
Control Set Cholestech LDX® Multiple Analytes 2 Levels 2 X 0.25 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #979020
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  • Quantimetrix #1440-04
Urine Chemistry Control Set Dropper® Plus Urinalysis Dipstick Testing 2 Levels 10 X 5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #357542
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  • Quantimetrix #1470-01
Urine Chemistry Control Set Dip&Spin® Urinalysis / Microscopics 2 Levels 4 X 120 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #762302
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  • Abbott Rapid Dx North America LLC #88769
Control Set Lipids / Glucose / ALT / AST 2 Levels 2 X 2 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #637181
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  • Roche Diagnostics #04625382160
Coagulation Control Set CoaguChek® XS Plus Prothrombin Time Test (PT) 2 Levels
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #728128
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  • Nova-One Diagnostics #ALPC-G14026-100
Liquid Assayed Chemistry Control Set NOD® Multiple Analytes 2 Levels 2 X 6 X 1 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #456602
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  • Streck Laboratories #214112
Hematology Control Set ESR-Chex™ Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) 2 Levels 12 X 9 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #509358
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  • Bio-Rad Laboratories #740
Diabetes Management Test Control Set Lyphochek® Diabetes 2 Levels 0.5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #937969
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  • Beckman Coulter #B12396
Diabetes Management Test Control Set extendSURE Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) 2 Levels 2 X 1 mL L1 , 2 X 1 mL L2
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #971974
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  • Arkray USA #530006
Diabetes Management Test Control Set Assure® Prism Blood Glucose Test 2 Levels
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1126568
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  • Quantimetrix #1400-01
Urine Chemistry Control Set Quantimetrix Dipper POCT 2 Levels 62 X 1.5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #986865
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  • Polymedco #ESR-5CT
Hematology Control Set Sed-Chek® 2 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) 2 Levels 3 X 8 mL, 3 X 8 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #360520
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  • Streck Laboratories #214104
Hematology Control Set ESR-Chex™ Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) 2 Levels 4 X 9 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #684237
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  • Streck Laboratories #212420
Hematology Control Set Cell-Chex® Cell Body Fluid Spinal and Body Fluid 2 Levels 4 X 2 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #273056
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  • Bio-Rad Laboratories #995
Reproductive Endocrinology Control Set qUAntify® Plus Pregnancy (hCG) Rapid Testing 2 Levels 10 X 12 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #515084
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  • Polymedco #ESR-2CT
Hematology Control Set Sed-Chek® 2 2 Levels 6 X 8 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #691988
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  • Roche Diagnostics #05219957001
Cardiac / Lipids / General Chemistry Control Set Accutrend® Cholesterol 2 Levels
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #728129
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  • Nova-One Diagnostics #ALPC-G14126-100
Immunochemistry / Specific Protein Test Control Set NOD® General Chemistry with C-Reactive Protein (CRP) 2 Levels 2 X 6 X 1 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1084060
  • Audit Microcontrols #K061M-6
Control Set Glycohemoglobin A1c 2 Levels 6 X 0.5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #691428
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  • Beckman Coulter #34439
Immunology Control Set Access® Rubella IgG 2 Levels 6 X 2.5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #683852
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  • Cliniqa #97201
Urine Chemistry Control Set Liquid QC™ DipStrip 2 Levels 2 X 2 X 15 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #417810
  • Providers like you icon
  • Streck Laboratories #214102
Hematology Control Set ESR-Chex™ Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) 2 Levels 2 X 9 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1180547
  • Ortho Clinical Diagnostics #6199943
Immunoassay Control Set Vitros® SARS-CoV-2 Antigen 2 Levels 3 X 3 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #233421
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  • Quantimetrix #1250-01
Special Chemistry Control Set Microbumin® Microalbumin Testing 2 Levels 10 X 7 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1139077
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  • Abbott Rapid Dx North America LLC #1116973
Control Set Afinion™ Albumin / Creatinine Ratio 2 Levels 2 X 1 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1126574
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  • Quantimetrix #1400-02
Urine Chemistry Control Set Quantimetrix Dipper POCT 2 Levels 20 X 1.5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #728132
  • Nova-One Diagnostics #NOD13122-100
Diabetes Management Test Control Set NOD® Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) 2 Levels 2 X 2 X 1mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #689249
  • Cole-Taylor Marketing #CT-UC-MC
Urine Chemistry Control Set 2 Levels 12 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1052560
  • Diazyme Laboratories #DZ188A-CON
Metabolic Control Set Adiponectin 2 Levels 2 X 1 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1038245
  • Diazyme Laboratories #DZ558A-CON
Sepsis Control Set Procalcitonin 2 Levels 2 X 3 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1207011
  • Diazyme Laboratories #100148B-CON
Cardiac Marker Control Set PLAC® Test Lp-PLA2 2 Levels 2 X 2 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #284824
  • Streck Laboratories #285212
Hematology Control Set Retic-Chex® II Reticulocyte 2 Levels 2 X 1 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #679299
  • Bio-Rad Laboratories #553
Control Set Liquichek™ Hemoglobin A2 2 Levels 4 X 1 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #719326
  • Sekisui Diagnostics #K49C-4M
Control Set ITA 2 Levels 4 X 2 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #839351
  • Abbott Rapid Dx North America LLC #31050
Saliva Chemistry Control Set QED® A150 Alcohol Test 2 Levels 2 X 5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #507995
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  • Bio-Rad Laboratories #962
Reproductive Endocrinology Control Set qUAntify® Plus Pregnancy (hCG) Rapid Testing 2 Levels 4 X 120 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #632236
  • Bio-Rad Laboratories #514X
Hematology Control Set Liquichek™ Sedimentation Rate 2 Levels 9 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #633278
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  • Bio-Rad Laboratories #435
Urine Chemistry Control Set Liquichek™ Urine Dipstick and Mircroscopic Tests 2 Levels 12 X 12 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #367310
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  • Streck Laboratories #214108
Hematology Control Set ESR-Chex™ Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) 2 Levels 8 X 9 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1183728
  • Beckman Coulter #C69059
Antibody Test Control Set Access® SARS-CoV-2 IgG II 2 Levels 6 X 4 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1169981
  • Horiba #5300000964
Assayed Control Set K-ASSAY® D-Dimer 2 Levels 2 X 1 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1218541
  • Carolina Liquid Chemistries #DZ114B-CON
Electrolyte Control Set Diazyme Sodium 2 Levels 2 X 3 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1218544
  • Carolina Liquid Chemistries #DZ113C-CON
Electrolyte Control Set Diazyme Potassium 2 Levels 2 X 3 mL