Shop Control Set Controls

    ,for, Item ID-
  • #976926
  • Providers like you icon
  • McKesson Brand #121-071
Urine Chemistry Control Set McKesson Consult™ Analyte Testing Positive Level / Negative Level 2 X 12 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #976927
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  • McKesson Brand #121-011
Urine Chemistry Control Set McKesson Consult™ Analyte Testing Positive Level / Negative Level 3 X 10 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #463324
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  • Hemocue #180.013.002
Diabetes Management Test Control Set GlucoTrol-AQ Blood Glucose Test Low Level / High Level 2 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #569822
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  • Clinical Diagnostic Solutions #501-607
Hematology Control Set Boule Con-Diff Tri-Level Multiple Parameters 3 Levels 9 X 4.5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #211624
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  • Quantimetrix #1440-02
Urine Chemistry Control Set Dropper® Urinalysis Dipstick Testing 2 Levels 4 X 25 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1141855
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  • Abbott Rapid Dx North America LLC #1116975
Diabetes Management Test Control Set Afinion™ Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) 2 Levels 2 X 0.5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1088563
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  • Quantimetrix #1440-06
Urine Chemistry Control Set Dropper® Plus Urinalysis Dipstick Testing 2 Levels 2 X 5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #639943
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  • Sysmex America #140-3004-0
Control Set EIGHTCHECK 3WP X-TRA Hematology Low Level / Medium Level / High Level 4 X 3 X 2 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #940470
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  • Alcor Scientific Inc #DSC06
Hematology Control Set Seditrol® Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) 2 Levels 6 X 4.5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #832944
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  • Abbott Point of Care #07P0401
Cardiac / Lipids / General Chemistry Control Set BRT® Lipid and General Chemistry Level 1, 2 6 X 1 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #211623
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  • Quantimetrix #1440-01
Urine Chemistry Control Set Dipper® Urinalysis Dipstick Testing 2 Levels 6 X 15 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #335013
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  • Siemens #10311161
Diabetes Management Test Control Set DCA 2000 Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Normal / Abnormal 4 X 0.25 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1133286
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  • Beckman Coulter #B36872
Assayed Control Set DxH 500 Series Whole Blood Hematology Tri-Level 6 X 2.3 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1066131
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  • Sysmex America #213569
Assayed Control Set XN-L™ Check BCQM™ 30 Parameter Immunophenotyping Level 1, 2, 3 12 X 3 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #841054
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  • Sysmex America #213499
Hematology Control Set XN Check™ Low Level / Normal Level / High Level 4 X 3 X 3 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #724347
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  • Tosoh Bioscience #220232
Diabetes Management Test Control Set Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Level 1, 2 2 X 4 X 0.25
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #832775
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  • Abbott Rapid Dx North America LLC #88773
Control Set Cholestech LDX® Multiple Analytes 2 Levels 2 X 0.25 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #636236
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  • Streck Laboratories #211124
Diabetes Management Test Control Set A1c-Cellular™ Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Level 1, 2 6 X 2.0 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #979020
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  • Quantimetrix #1440-04
Urine Chemistry Control Set Dropper® Plus Urinalysis Dipstick Testing 2 Levels 10 X 5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #357542
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  • Quantimetrix #1470-01
Urine Chemistry Control Set Dip&Spin® Urinalysis / Microscopics 2 Levels 4 X 120 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #762302
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  • Abbott Rapid Dx North America LLC #88769
Control Set Lipids / Glucose / ALT / AST 2 Levels 2 X 2 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #637181
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  • Roche Diagnostics #04625382160
Coagulation Control Set CoaguChek® XS Plus Prothrombin Time Test (PT) 2 Levels
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #832945
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  • Abbott Point of Care #07P0402
Control Set Piccolo BRT Chemistry Level 1, 2 2 X 6 X 1 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #764462
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  • Hemocue #HCLNH3
Control Set R & D Glu/Hgb Dual Control Blood Glucose / Hemoglobin 3 Levels 3 X 1.5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #897034
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  • Abbott #05P7610
Control Set Multichem™ IA Plus Multiple Analytes 3 Levels 3 X 4 X 5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1034357
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  • Streck Laboratories #240408
Hematology Control Set ESR-Chex™ Plus Level 1, 2 12 X 3 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1131207
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  • Beckman Coulter #102478
Urine Chemistry Control Set Aution™ Check Plus Low Level / High Level 25 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1239821
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  • Abbott Rapid Dx North America LLC #88033
Toxicology Control Set iScreen™ Urine Drug Positive Level / Negative Level 2 X 10 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1120527
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  • Abbott #08P8610
Immunoassay Control Set Multichem® IA Plus Multiple Analytes Tri-Level 3 X 4 X 5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #728128
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  • Nova-One Diagnostics #ALPC-G14026-100
Liquid Assayed Chemistry Control Set NOD® Multiple Analytes 2 Levels 2 X 6 X 1 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #510597
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  • Bio-Rad Laboratories #360
Immunoassay Control Set Liquichek™ Multi-Analyte Level 1, 2, 3 12 X 5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1130127
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  • Roche Diagnostics #07402678190
Control Set Cobas® Liat® Strep A Positive Level / Negative Level 3 Sets
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #802459
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  • Horiba #5300100161
Hematology Control Set Minotrol™ 16 with QC CD 3 Levels 12 X 2.5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #456602
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  • Streck Laboratories #214112
Hematology Control Set ESR-Chex™ Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) 2 Levels 12 X 9 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1208180
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  • Ortho Clinical Diagnostics #AACMP
Assayed Control Set MAS™ Alcohol / Ammonium Level 1, 2 6 X 3.5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #862267
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  • Abbott #09H6901
Hematology Control Set Cell-Dyn® 18 Plus Full Pack 3 Levels 12 X 2.5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #509358
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  • Bio-Rad Laboratories #740
Diabetes Management Test Control Set Lyphochek® Diabetes 2 Levels 0.5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #937969
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  • Beckman Coulter #B12396
Diabetes Management Test Control Set extendSURE Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) 2 Levels 2 X 1 mL L1 , 2 X 1 mL L2
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #1027501
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  • Stanbio Laboratory #3065-201
Control Set HemoPoint® H2 Hemoglobin Low Level / High Level 2 X 1.5 mL
    ,for, Item ID-
  • #278920
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  • Siemens #10310483
Multi-Analyte Control Set Chek-Stix® Urinalysis Positive Level / Negative Level 50 per Bottle