Shop Fisher Scientific Clinical Laboratory
Clinical Laboratory
- Chemicals and Solutions (698)
- Clinical Laboratory Accessories (723)
- Controls (138)
- Eyewash Stations and Accessories (27)
- Lab Benches and Accessories (39)
- Laboratory Equipment (1,150)
- Laboratory Glassware and Plasticware (2,042)
- Microbiology (186)
- Specimen Collection (204)
- Test Kits (81)
- Chemistry Reagent (279)
- Toxicology Reagent (133)
- Pipette Tip (100)
- Control (99)
- Biochemical (92)
- Graduated Cylinder (72)
- Cell Culture Reagent (70)
- Microcentrifuge Tube (64)
- Centrifuge Tube (61)
- Cryogenic Vial (60)
- Test Tube (57)
- Culture Media (54)
- Serological Pipette (50)
- Test Tube Rack (47)
- Tube Closure (46)
- 96-Well Microplate (43)
- Filter Paper (42)
- Fixed Volume Pipette (42)
- Molecular Biology Reagent (40)
- Histology Reagent (38)
- Adjustable Volume Pipette (37)
- Liquid-in-Glass Thermometer (36)
- Prepared Media (34)
- Specific Pipette Tip (34)
- Control Set (32)
- Sample Vial (32)
- Specimen Container (32)
- Volumetric Pipette (32)
- General Chemistry Reagent (31)
- Calibrator (30)
- Laboratory Beaker (30)
- 7-Day Temperature Recording Chart (29)
- Filter Pipette Tip (29)
- Syringe Filter (28)
- Petri Dish (28)
- Venous Blood Collection Tube (28)
- pH Paper in Dispenser (28)
- Bottle (27)
- Microscope Slide (26)
- Hematology Reagent (25)
- Variable Volume Pipette (25)
- Immunology Reagent (24)
- Vial Closure (24)
- Immunoassay Reagent (23)
- Microbiology Reagent (23)
- Specimen Collection and Transport System (23)
- pH Test Strip (23)
- Storage and/or Transport Tube (22)
- Laboratory Bottle (19)
- Safety Wash Bottle (19)
- Basic Buffer (18)
- Insulated Shipper (18)
- Transfer Pipette (18)
- Acid Buffer (17)
- Boston Round Bottle (17)
- Erlenmeyer Flask (17)
- Inoculating Loop (17)
- Media Bottle (17)
- Capillary Blood Collection Tube (16)
- Capillary Piston (16)
- Charged Microscope Slide (16)
- Dropper Bottle (16)
- Portable Balance (16)
- Wash Bottle (16)
- Jar (15)
- Volumetric Flask (15)
- Aerosol Barrier Pipette Tip (14)
- Cryo Storage Box (14)
- Dehydrated Culture Media (14)
- Eyewash Station (14)
- Bottletop Dispenser (13)
- Centrifuge (13)
- Fluorescent Particles (13)
- Plate Sealing Film (13)
- Precision Balance (13)
- Research Test Kit (13)
- Immersion Oil (12)
- Microcentrifuge (12)
- Neutral Buffer (12)
- Other Infectious Disease Test Kit (12)
- Pasteur Pipette (12)
- Specimen Collection Swab (12)
- Analytical Balance (11)
- Dropper Bulb (11)
- Laboratory Funnel (11)
- Microtome Blade (11)
- Positive Displacement Pipette (11)
- Sexual Health Test Kit (11)
- Molecular Reagent (10)
- Detergent Surfactant (10)
- Digital Thermometer with Alarm (10)
- Immunohematology Reagent (10)
- Multichannel Pipette (10)
- Positive Displacement Pipette Tip (10)
- Prefilled Formalin Container (10)
- Reagent Reservoir (10)
- Serum Filter (9)
- Adjustable Volume Pipettor (9)
- Culture Flask (9)
- Digital Refrigerator / Freezer Thermometer with Alarm (9)
- Graduated Beaker (9)
- Slide Storage Box (9)
- Vortex Mixer (9)
- Wright-Giemsa Stain (9)
- Benchtop Centrifuge (8)
- Biopsy Cassette (8)
- Cell Strainer (8)
- Cover Glass (8)
- Cryo Vial Closure (8)
- Filter Unit (8)
- HPLC Column (8)
- Lab Storage Container (8)
- Lab Workbench (8)
- Media Additive (8)
- Media Storage Bottle (8)
- Pipette Controller (8)
- Specimen Container with Temperature Strip (8)
- Reproductive Health Test Kit (7)
- 96-Well PCR Plate (7)
- Automated Filter Pipette Tip (7)
- Base Mold (7)
- Cytology Microscope Slide (7)
- Datalogging Refrigerator / Freezer Thermometer with Alarm (7)
- General Purpose Bottle (7)
- Incubator (7)
- Low Retention Filter Pipette Tip (7)
- Phlebotomy Tray (7)
- Pipette Basin (7)
- Pipette Filler (7)
- Refrigerant Gel Pack (7)
- Refrigerated Benchtop Centrifuge (7)
- Spectrophotometer (7)
- Standard (7)
- Surface Protector (7)
- Temperature Data Logger with Alarm (7)
- Digital Thermometer / Hygrometer (6)
- Stool Specimen Container (6)
- 384-Well PCR Plate (6)
- Adhesion Microscope Slide (6)
- Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Disc (6)
- Bottle Cap (6)
- Buffer Kit (6)
- Calibrator Set (6)
- Carboy (6)
- Cell Culture Dish (6)
- Centrifuge Rotor (6)
- Coagulation Reagent (6)
- Cuvette (6)
- Cytology Reagent (6)
- Digital Laboratory Thermometer (6)
- Digital Thermometer / Hygrometer with Alarm (6)
- Ductless Fume Hood (6)
- Environmental Test Kit (6)
- Extended Length Pipette Tip (6)
- Funnel (6)
- Gravity Convection Oven (6)
- Hematology Test Kit (6)
- Incubator Thermometer (6)
- Membrane Filter (6)
- Microbiological Incubator (6)
- Mounting Medium (6)
- Pipette (6)
- Slide Holder (6)
- Slide Staining Rack (6)
- Standard Set (6)
- Tissue Culture Dish (6)
- Tissue Embedding Medium (6)
- Urinalysis Reagent (6)
- Urine Specimen Collection Kit (6)
- Water Purification Cartridge (6)
- Wright's Stain (6)
- 24 Hour Urine Specimen Collection Container (5)
- Benchtop Centrifuge Package (5)
- CO2 Incubator (5)
- Calibrated Weight Set (5)
- Calibration Verification Set (5)
- Centrifuge Tube Adapter (5)
- Digestive Test Kit (5)
- Digital Refrigerator / Freezer Thermometer (5)
- Digital Thermometer (5)
- Electronic Pipette (5)
- Enzyme (5)
- Gram Stain Decolorizer (5)
- Lab Spatula (5)
- Lab Vial (5)
- PCR Reagent Kit (5)
- PCR Workstation (5)
- Pipette Pump (5)
- Reagent Bottle (5)
- Sensor Cassette (5)
- Slide Staining Jar (5)
- Specimen Transport Bag with Document Pouch (5)
- Storage Bottle (5)
- Temperature Chart Recorder (5)
- Tissue Cassette (5)
- Tissue Marking Dye (5)
- Top Loading Balance (5)
- Urinalysis Tube (5)
- Urine Centrifuge Tube (5)
- Weighing Dish (5)
Brand or Series
- ACROS Organics™ (46)
- AimTab™ (3)
- Aim™ (3)
- AirClean® (3)
- AirClean® Systems AC600 Series (9)
- Alfa Aesar™ (11)
- Ambion® (8)
- AmnioTest™ (7)
- Andwin Scientific (6)
- ASI™ (4)
- Audit® MicroControls™ MicroCV™ (4)
- Axygen® (5)
- Axygen™ (9)
- B-Plus™ Fix (4)
- BD BBL™ (21)
- BD Difco™ (17)
- BD FACS™ (4)
- BD Vacutainer® (7)
- Bel-Art™ SP Scienceware™ (13)
- Brand® (4)
- Caplugs™ (7)
- CEDIA® (80)
- Cellgro® (5)
- Chemglass Life Sciences (6)
- ClipTip™ (12)
- Cobex (4)
- Colorfrost® Plus (7)
- Combitips® advanced, Eppendorf Quality™ (6)
- Corning® (43)
- Corning® cellgro® (4)
- Corning™ (14)
- Cryochrome™ (4)
- Dickson™ (20)
- Difco™ (6)
- DRI® (99)
- DRI® Gravity-Detect® (5)
- Durac® (7)
- Dynalon™ (5)
- EasyDip™ (5)
- Edvotek™ (8)
- Eisco (7)
- Eisco™ (12)
- Elite™ (13)
- ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S.® (4)
- Eppendorf Reference® 2 (16)
- Eppendorf Research® Plus (11)
- Eppendorf Safe-Lock Eppendorf Quality™ (8)
- Eppendorf® (21)
- Eppendorf™ (5)
- Epredia™ (4)
- epT.I.P.S.® Bulk (5)
- ESwab™ (5)
- F1-ClipTip™ (13)
- Falcon® (41)
- Finnpipette™ (6)
- Finnpipette™ F1 (12)
- Finnpipette™ F2 (17)
- Finntip™ (14)
- Finntip™ Flex™ (5)
- Fisher BioReagents™ (38)
- Fisher Chemical™ (70)
- Fisher Chemical™ Optima™ (4)
- Fisher HealthCare™ PROTOCOL™ (9)
- Fisher HealthCare™ PROTOCOL™ Hemaspray™ (6)
- Fisher Science Education™ (9)
- Fisher Scientific™ (10)
- Fisher Scientific™ Isotemp™ (4)
- Fisher Scientific™ Traceable® (8)
- Fisherbrand® (50)
- Fisherbrand® Sav-It® (5)
- Fisherbrand™ (480)
- Fisherbrand™ Easy Reader® (4)
- Fisherbrand™ IB™ Model (5)
- Fisherbrand™ Isotemp™ (13)
- Fisherbrand™ Octagon Spinbar™ (4)
- Fisherbrand™ Premium (4)
- Fisherbrand™ Redi-Tip® (13)
- Fisherbrand™ Superfrost® (4)
- Fisherbrand™ SureOne™ (10)
- Fisherbrand™ SureOne™ Beveled (5)
- Fisherbrand™ SureOne™ Micropoint (7)
- Fisherbrand™ TraceableLIVE® (4)
- Fisherbrand™ Traceable® (26)
- Fisherbrand™ Traceable® Excursion-Trac™ (6)
- Fisherbrand™ Traceable™ (7)
- Fisherbrand™ VersaClosure™ (5)
- FLOQSwabs® (7)
- Gibco® (50)
- Gilson™ MICROMAN™ (7)
- Harleco® (7)
- HyClone™ (17)
- Hydrion® (34)
- Invitrogen™ (10)
- Invitrogen™ RNAlater™ (4)
- KIMAX® (4)
- Kimble® (15)
- Kimble® KIMAX® (10)
- Kimble® Kimax® (6)
- Kimble® ValueWare™ (5)
- LabChem™ (5)
- MagMAX™ (11)
- MAS™ (8)
- Matrix™ (5)
- Mettler Toledo® (4)
- Mettler Toledo™ (6)
- MicroAmp® (4)
- MicroAmp™ (8)
- Microman® (7)
- MLA® D-Tipper™ (10)
- MLA® Precision (10)
- MP Biomedicals™ (5)
- MQuant® (9)
- Nalgene™ (125)
- Nalgene™ Lab Quality (6)
- Nalgene™ Rapid-Flow™ (5)
- Nalgene™ Unitary™ (4)
- Nalgene™ Unwire™ (16)
- Nalgene™ Vented Unitary Right-to-Know (6)
- NATtrol™ (9)
- NERL™ HEMA-Trol™ (4)
- Nunc™ (26)
- Nunc™ CryoTube™ (10)
- Nunc™ EZFlip™ (5)
- Ohaus® Adventurer™ (6)
- Ohaus® Scout® (7)
- Opti Medical (5)
- Oxoid™ (4)
- Pacific Hemostasis® (5)
- Petrifilm™ (5)
- Pierce™ (4)
- Pipetman® Classic (4)
- Pipetman® G (4)
- Pyrex® (20)
- Pyrex™ (35)
- Pyrex™ Vista™ (6)
- QMS® (13)
- Qorpak™ (8)
- Qubit™ (4)
- Remel™ (13)
- Resolve® (6)
- Ricca® (13)
- Richard-Allan Scientific™ (6)
- Saf-T-Pack® (4)
- Saf-T-Pak® (4)
- Samco® (4)
- Samco™ Clicktainer™ (18)
- Samco™ Narrow-Mouth Bio-Tite™ (4)
- Samco™ Wide-Mouth Bio-Tite™ (4)
- Sartorius™ (6)
- Scienceware® (8)
- Sediplast® (6)
- Shandon™ (6)
- Sorvall™ ST8 (8)
- Sorvall™ ST16 (4)
- SP Scienceware™ (5)
- Spectrum® (5)
- Starswab II® (5)
- Sure-Vue® (11)
- Sure-Vue® RPR (4)
- TaqMan® (8)
- TCI America (4)
- Tecan® (5)
- Tecan® Pure (5)
- Therapak® (6)
- Thermco® (4)
- Thermo Scientific Chemicals (5)
- Thermo Scientific™ (118)
- Thermo Scientific™ Abgene™ (4)
- Thermo Scientific™ ART® (12)
- Thermo Scientific™ Barnstead™ (4)
- Thermo Scientific™ Capitol Vial (4)
- Thermo Scientific™ Capitol Vial™ (5)
- Thermo Scientific™ Finnpipette™ (4)
- Thermo Scientific™ Fluoro-Max™ (13)
- Thermo Scientific™ Heratherm™ (4)
- Thermo Scientific™ I-Chem™ (4)
- Thermo Scientific™ Matrix™ (4)
- Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene® (5)
- Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ (15)
- Thermo Scientific™ National Snap-It™ (4)
- Thermo Scientific™ NERL™ (5)
- Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ (20)
- Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ CryoColor (5)
- Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ (10)
- Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ (10)
- Thermo Scientific™ Remel™ (10)
- Thermo Scientific™ Samco™ (5)
- Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ (5)
- ThermoSafe® (16)
- Traceable® (4)
- Troemner® (5)
- Verichem® (6)
- VistaLab Technologies™ (4)
- VistaLab™ (5)
- Whatman® (7)
- Whatman™ (13)
- Wheaton® (33)
- Wheaton™ (5)
Test Type
- Fertility Test (10)
- Real Time RT-PCR (3)
- Single Drug (101)
- Oral Fluid Test (15)
- Latex Agglutination Test (13)
- Assayed (11)
- Specimen Validity Test (10)
- Flow Cytometry (9)
- Specimen Validity Testing (9)
- Urine Chemistry (9)
- Drugs of Abuse (8)
- RPR Card Test (8)
- Real-Time PCR (8)
- Microbial Identification (7)
- Molecular Biology (7)
- Multi-Analyte (7)
- Buffer Solution (6)
- Hepatic (6)
- Immunosuppressant Drugs / Transplantation (6)
- Infectious Disease Immunoassay (6)
- Molecular Diagnostic (5)
- Solubility Test (4)
- 2-Drug Panel (3)
- Chemical Detection (3)
- Diabetes Management Test (3)
- ELISA (3)
- Hematology (3)
- Histology (3)
- Immunoassay (3)
- Immunoassay / Assayed (3)
- Immunochemistry / Specific Protein Test (3)
- Molecular (3)
- Renal (3)
- Wash Solution (3)
- Antibody Test (2)
- Buffer (2)
- Cardiac / Lipids / General Chemistry (2)
- Coagulation (2)
- Colorectal Cancer Screening (2)
- Diffusion Test (2)
- ELISA Substrate (2)
- General Chemistry (2)
- Heptatic (2)
- Immunohematology (2)
- Real-time PCR (2)
- Sample Prep Reagent (2)
- Semen Analysis (2)
- Serum Chemistry (2)
- Virology (2)
- Visual Microscopic Counting (2)
- Wash Concentrate (2)
- 12-Drug Panel (1)
- Agglutination Test (1)
- Antacid Prophylaxis Monitor (1)
- Antiarrhythmic (1)
- Antiepileptic (1)
- Blood Coagulation Test (1)
- CO-Oximetry / Blood Gas (1)
- Cardiac / Lipids (1)
- Cardiac Marker (1)
- Cleaner (1)
- Colorectal Cancer Screening / Home Test Device (1)
- Concentrated Buffer (1)
- Cystic Fibrosis (1)
- DNA Amplification / Detection (1)
- DNA Extraction / Purification (1)
- Diabetes Management (1)
- Drugs of Abuse / Toxicology (1)
- Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) (1)
- Fibrinogen / Fibrin Assay (1)
- Genotyping (1)
- Immunochemistry / Immunodiagnostic Assay (1)
- Immunology / Serology Assay (1)
- Immunosuppressant Drug Monitoring (1)
- Lysis (1)
- Membrane-based Immunogold Assay (1)
- Microbiology (1)
- PCR (1)
- Range Verification (1)
- Reference Material (1)
- Reference Standard (1)
- Serology (1)
- Special Stain (1)
- Toxicology (1)
- Unassayed (1)
- Urinalysis (1)
- Plastic (106)
- PVDF (12)
- Mylar Wrapped Glass Tube (3)
- Polypropylene (526)
- Glass (250)
- Borosilicate Glass (154)
- Polypropylene Tube (149)
- Polystyrene (143)
- Polyethylene (79)
- LDPE (58)
- HDPE (49)
- Stainless Steel (46)
- Glass Tube (44)
- Polycarbonate (37)
- Aluminum (31)
- Polystyrene Tube (29)
- Plastic Tube (28)
- ABS Plastic Case (24)
- ABS Plastic (18)
- Acetal Plastic (18)
- PPCO (18)
- Aluminum / Stainless Steel (17)
- ABS Housing / Stainless Steel Pan (15)
- Plastic Shaft / Nylon Swab (14)
- Cellulose (13)
- Polypropylene / High Density Polyethylene (13)
- Plastic Shaft / Rayon Swab (12)
- Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Tube (12)
- Acrylic (11)
- Rubber (11)
- Cardboard (10)
- PETG (10)
- Paper (10)
- Fiberboard (9)
- Soda Lime Glass (9)
- Acetal (8)
- Polymer (8)
- Pyrex Borosilicate Glass (8)
- Steel (8)
- Elastomer Copolymer (7)
- Nylon Mesh / Polypropylene Frame (7)
- PET (7)
- PVDF / Polypropylene / Stainless Steel (7)
- Plastic / Foam / Cardboard (7)
- Foam / Cardboard (6)
- Mixed Cellulose Esters (MCE) (6)
- Nichrome Wire / Aluminum Handle (6)
- PMP (6)
- Stainless Steel / PVDF (6)
- Alnico Magnet (5)
- Cellulose Fiber (5)
- Phenolic Resin Top (5)
- Porcelain (5)
- Silicone (5)
- ABS (4)
- Alnico Magnet, PTFE Coating (4)
- Aluminum Alloy (4)
- Aluminum Alloy / Stainless Steel (4)
- Epoxy-Coated Steel (4)
- Glass / Polypropylene Closure (4)
- HDPE / Polypropylene Closure (4)
- LDPE / Polypropylene (4)
- Metal (4)
- PVC (4)
- Plastic / Cardboard (4)
- Plastic Case (4)
- Polycarbonate / Polypropylene (4)
- Polyester (4)
- Polyethylene / PTFE / Silicone (4)
- Polyethylene Tube (4)
- ABS Plastic / Die-cast Aluminum / Stainless Steel (3)
- Anodized Aluminum (3)
- Ceramic (3)
- Coated Polystyrene (3)
- Epoxy (3)
- HDPE / Polypropylene (3)
- High Quality Cotton Linters (3)
- PES Membrane (3)
- PPCO / Polypropylene Closure (3)
- PTFE (3)
- Paperboard (3)
- Polycarbonate / Polypropylene Closure (3)
- Polyethersulfone (3)
- Polypropylene / Polycarbonate Frame (3)
- Soda lime Glass / Polypropylene Closure (3)
- Steel / Epoxy (3)
- Styrene / Hydrophilic PVDF Membrane (3)
- Accu-Rated™ PVC (2)
- Acetal Polymer (2)
- Acrylic / PES (2)
- Alpha Cotton Cellulose (2)
- Aluminum / PTFE / Rubber (2)
- Aluminum / Plastic (2)
- Bottle-Encased (2)
- Carbon (2)
- Cardboard / Foam (2)
- Cellulose Membrane (2)
- Ceramic-Coated Aluminum (2)
- EPS (2)
- EVA (2)
- Fiberglass (2)
- Film (2)
- Glass / PTFE (2)
- Glass / Plastic (2)
- Gold, Die-cast Metal, Stainless Steel (2)
- LDPE / Polypropylene Closure (2)
- Liquid Crystal (2)
- MBS/Polypropylene (2)
- Metal / ABS / Stainless Steel / Glass (2)
- Nylon / Steel Wire (2)
- Nylon Mesh (2)
- PBT / Glass / Stainless Steel (2)
- PES (2)
- PET / HDPE Closure (2)
- PTFE / Silicone (2)
- PVDF Handle / Stainless Steel Tip Injector (2)
- Phase Change Material (2)
- Phenol (2)
- Phenol / PTFE / Rubber (2)
- Plastic / Rubber (2)
- Poly / Tyvek (2)
- Polycarbonate Case (2)
- Polyethylene Handle / Flexible Polyethylene Bristles (2)
- Polyolefin (2)
- Polypropyleene (2)
- Polypropylene / Polyethylene (2)
- Polypropylene / Polyethylene Cap (2)
- Polypropylene / Polyethylene Filter (2)
- Polystyrene / PES Membrane (2)
- Polystyrene / Polyethylene Closure (2)
- Polystyrene Foam (2)
- Powder Coated Steel (2)
- Powder-coated Steel (2)
- Rubber Bulb (2)
- Soft Vinyl Bulb (2)
- Stainless Steel / Epoxy Powder / Coated Steel (2)
- Stainless Steel / Fiberboard Box (2)
- Stainless Steel / Powder Coated Steel / Acrylic (2)
- Steel Frame Phenolic Worksurface (2)
- Steel Wire (2)
- Thermoplastic (2)
- Twisted Nichrome Wire (2)
- Vinyl (2)
- Wire Shaft / Rayon Swab (2)
- 3-ply Jute (1)
- 304 Grade Stainless Steel (1)
- ABS Housing / Metal Base Stainless Steel Pan, Glass Shield (1)
- ABS Housing / Stainless Steel Pan / Glass (1)
- ABS Housing, Stainless-Steel Pan (1)
- ABS Plastic / Aluminum (1)
- ABS Plastic / Foam (1)
- ABS Plastic / Stainless Steel (1)
- ABS Plastic / Stainless Steel / Platinum (1)
- ABS Plastic Case / Aluminum (1)
- ABS Plastic Case / Stainless Steel (1)
- AFA Fiber (1)
- ASB Plastic Case (1)
- Acrylic / Epoxy-coated Steel Base (1)
- Acrylic / MCE Membrane (1)
- Activated Carbon (1)
- Aluminum / Acetal (1)
- Aluminum / PBT / Glass / Stainless Steel (1)
- Aluminum / Powder Coated Steel (1)
- Aluminum Bronze (1)
- Aluminum Chamber (1)
- Aluminum Cover Plate (1)
- Aluminum, Polypropylene (1)
- Amber Glass / PTFE / Polypropylene (1)
- Amber Glass / PTFE Cap (1)
- Annealed Glass (1)
- Anodized Aluminium (1)
- Brass (1)
- Butyl (1)
- Cadmium Coated Stainless Steel (1)
- Cast Iron (1)
- Cellulose Acetate (1)
- Cellulose Sponge (1)
- Cellulose, Polyethylene (1)
- Ceramic Insulation (1)
- Ceramic Top Plate (1)
- Charcoal (1)
- Charcoal Activated Carbon (1)
- Chipboard (1)
- Chrome-plated Steel (1)
- Clay (1)
- Coated (1)
- Coated Steel / Stainless Steel (1)
- Coated Steel Cabinet (1)
- Cold Rolled Steel / Stainless Steel (1)
- Corrugated (1)
- Corrugated Carton / EPS (1)
- Die-cast Aluminum / ABS (1)
- Electrostatically Charged Fiber (1)
- Epoxy Powder-Coated Steel, Stainless Steel (1)
- Epoxy-Coated Steel Wire (1)
- Epoxy-Coated Wire (1)
- Epoxy-coated Steel Wire (1)
- Exposxy Coated Steel (1)
- Fabric (1)
- Fiber (1)
- Reagent Grade / Type I (3)
- ACS Grade (76)
- Wide Mouth (52)
- Hematology (49)
- Narrow Mouth (38)
- 90° Corners (34)
- Molecular Biology Grade (33)
- Certified (27)
- Laboratory Grade (21)
- Class A (20)
- Flat Bottom (18)
- Histology (18)
- HPLC Grade (17)
- Reagent Grade (17)
- Cytology (14)
- Flow Cytometry / Microscopy (13)
- Griffin Low-Form (13)
- Inorganic Compound (13)
- Reference Standard (13)
- Microbiology (12)
- Organic Compound (12)
- DNA / RNA Purification (11)
- Electrochemistry (11)
- Griffin (11)
- Blood Bank (10)
- Electrophoresis Grade (10)
- Optima™ LCMS Grade (10)
- Organic Acid (10)
- Round Bottom (10)
- Serum Tube (10)
- 2D Barcode (9)
- Educational Grade (9)
- Labeled / Narrow Mouth (9)
- RNA Preparation / Purification (9)
- Round Bottom / Skirted (9)
- Straight Sided / Wide Mouth (9)
- Inorganic Acid (8)
- LCMS Grade (8)
- Monoclonal Antibody (8)
- Solvent (8)
- USP Grade (8)
- Antibiotic (7)
- Bacteriology (7)
- Round Bottom / Star Foot Style (7)
- 45° Clipped Corners (6)
- Alcohol Solvent (6)
- Analytical Grade (6)
- Class B (6)
- Extra Pure Grade (6)
- Fetal Bovine Serum (6)
- Free-standing (6)
- Non-Ionic (6)
- Protein Reagent (6)
- Round Well (6)
- Square (6)
- V Shaped Well (6)
- Amino Acid (5)
- Antibody (5)
- Cytology / Histology (5)
- Filling (5)
- Fixative (5)
- Flow Cytometry (5)
- Ground Edges (5)
- Micro-hematocrit (5)
- Paraffin (5)
- Plasma Tube (5)
- Powder (5)
- Real Time PCR-Based Gene Expression (5)
- Serological Identification (5)
- Straight Sided (5)
- Wire Rack (5)
- Anhydrous (4)
- Bacterial Identification (4)
- Buffer (4)
- Cell Culture (4)
- Class B / Heavy Round Base (4)
- Depyrogenated (4)
- Disposable (4)
- Double Circle (4)
- Embedding Medium (4)
- FCC / USP Grade (4)
- Filtering Microplate (4)
- Laboratory / Wide Mouth (4)
- Low Nitrogen (4)
- Round Base (4)
- Stacking (4)
- Thin Walled (4)
- Whole Blood Tube (4)
- 3-Tiered (3)
- Analyte Determination (3)
- Boston Round (3)
- Cell Culture Grade (3)
- Cell Culture Supplement (3)
- Coagulation Tube (3)
- Culture Media / Histology / Laboratory (3)
- Deep Well / Round Bottom (3)
- Double-Scale (3)
- Dulbeccos Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) (3)
- GC Grade (3)
- General Purpose (3)
- Protein Blocking Buffer (3)
- Pure Grade (3)
- Purified (3)
- Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) 1640 (Mod.) 1X with L-Glutamine (3)
- Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) 1640 with L-Glutamine (3)
- Tax-Paid (3)
- Tissue Culture (3)
- U Shaped Bottom / Thin Walled (3)
- Westergren Erythrocyte Sedimentation (ESR) (3)
- Zwitterionic Buffer (3)
- 4-Way (2)
- 90° Corners / Ground Edges (2)
- ACS Grade / Spectrophotometry (2)
- Aerobic Media (2)
- Aldehyde (2)
- Analog (2)
- Anticoagulant (2)
- Benchtop (2)
- Beveled Edges (2)
- Biochemical Assay (2)
- Biotechnology Grade (2)
- Bottle Top (2)
- Carbohydrate (2)
- Cell Culture / Rectangular (2)
- Cell Lysis (2)
- Cell Separation Media (2)
- Centrifuge Tube (2)
- Certified Reference Material (2)
- Certified Reference Standard (2)
- Chromogenic Substrate (2)
- Conical Bottom (2)
- DNA LoBind (2)
- Deep Well / U Shaped Bottom (2)
- Deep Well / V Bottom (2)
- Density Gradient Media (2)
- Digital (2)
- Divided Well (2)
- Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) with L-Glutamine and Glucose (2)
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) (2)
- Fecal Occult Blood Test (2)
- Fraction Collector Plate (2)
- General Protocol (2)
- HPLC / GC Grade (2)
- Heart Infusion Agar (2)
- Heavy Wall (2)
- Histology Container (2)
- IV Method (2)
- Intracellular RNA (2)
- LB Broth, Lennox (2)
- Liquid Dispensing (2)
- Low Form (2)
- MacConkey Agar (2)
- MacConkey Broth (2)
- Microbiological (2)
- Microcentrifuge (2)
- Microtube (2)
- Molecular (2)
- Molecular Biology (2)
- Non Skirted (2)
- Optical / Reaction Plate (2)
- Optima™ (2)
- Optima™ HPLC Grade (2)
- PCR Enzyme (2)
- Polyclonal Antibody (2)
- Rectangular (2)
- Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) 1640 (2)
- Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) 1640 with HEPES (2)
- Round (2)
- Skirted (2)
- Sperm Preparation (2)
- Split-Specimen (2)
- Square / Narrow Mouth (2)
- Square Well (2)
- Standard (2)
- Technical Grade (2)
- Tissue Fixative (2)
- Toluene-based (2)
- Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) 2X (2)
- Ultra Pure Grade (2)
- Utility (2)
- Veterinary Use Only (2)
- Workstation Rack (2)
- 10-Well (1)
- 12-Channel / High Profile (1)
- 12-Place (1)
- 12-Well (1)
- 2-Tiered (1)
- 2D Barcode / Flat Bottom (1)
- 3-Tiered Wall Mount Rack (1)
- 6-Well (1)
- ACS / LCMS Grade (1)
- ACS Grade / Anhydrous (1)
- Acetone Label (1)
- Advanced Protocol (1)
- Amphotericin B / Gelatin / Gentamicin (1)
- Anaerobic Media (1)
- Analog/Economy/Laboratory (1)
- Analytical Standard (1)
- BP / EP / JP / USP Grade (1)
- Bacteria (Bacillus Subtillis stained for Spore) (1)
Sample Type
- Serum / Urine Sample (4)
- Urine Sample (121)
- Serum / Plasma Sample (39)
- Oral Fluid Sample (15)
- Whole Blood Sample (14)
- Culture Sample (8)
- Stool Sample (8)
- RNA Sample (7)
- Serum Sample (7)
- Blood Sample (5)
- Serum / Plasma / Urine Sample (4)
- Endocervical Sample (3)
- Protein Sample (3)
- Biofluid / Transport Media Sample (2)
- DNA / RNA Sample (2)
- Milk Sample (2)
- Primary Culture Sample (2)
- Saliva Sample (2)
- Throat Swab Sample (2)
- Whole Blood / Serum Sample (2)
- Aerosolized Liquid Chemical Sample (1)
- Agarose Gels / Gel Sample (1)
- Aqueous Solution Sample (1)
- Bacteria / Cell Culture / Yeast / Whole Blood Sample (1)
- Bacteria Colony Sample (1)
- DNA Sample (1)
- Eye Swab / Stool Swab / Nasal Secretions / Nasal Swab / Pharyngeal Secretion Sample (1)
- Eye Swab / Stool Swab / Nasal Secretions / Pharyngeal Secretions Sample (1)
- Gastric Aspirate / Vomitus Sample (1)
- Liquid Chemical Sample (1)
- Mammalian Cells Sample (1)
- Nasal Swab / Nasopharyngeal Swab / Oropharyngeal Swab / Nasal Aspirate / Nasopharyngeal Wash, Aspirate Sample (1)
- Nasopharyngeal Swab Sample (1)
- Plasma Sample (1)
- Semen Sample (1)
- Serum / Plasma / Body Fluid Sample (1)
- Serum / Plasma / Cell Supernate Sample (1)
- Upper Vaginal Tissue Sample (1)
- Urine / Oral Fluid / Serum (1)
- Urine / Serum / Plasma Sample (1)
- Water Sample (1)
- Whole Blood / Plasma Sample (1)
- Whole Blood / Serum / Plasma / Cultured Cells / Tissue Sample (1)
- Whole Blood / Serum / Plasma Sample (1)
- Whole Dried Blood Sample (1)
- cDNA / DNA / RNA Sample (1)
Test Category
- Ancillary (21)
- Drugs of Abuse (176)
- General Chemistry (27)
- Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (24)
- Sexual Health (15)
- Urinalysis (13)
- Heart Health (12)
- Hematology (12)
- Maintenance (11)
- Respiratory (9)
- Diabetes (8)
- Immunosuppressant Drug Monitoring (8)
- Reproductive Health (7)
- Other Infectious Disease (4)
- Thyroid Testing (4)
- Digestive (3)
- Autoimmune (2)
- Blood Bank (2)
- Cancer Screening (2)
- Liver Disease (2)
- Microorganism (2)
- Microorganisms (2)
- Specific Proteins (2)
- Toxicology (2)
- Anemia (1)
- Blood Gas / ISE (1)
- Glucose (1)
- Histology (1)
- Immunology (1)
- CLIA Classified
- Liquid (361)
- Solution (228)
- Ready-to-Use Liquid (127)
- Powder (80)
- Solid (57)
- Aqueous Solution (42)
- Lyophilized (17)
- Tablet (7)
- Crystalline (6)
- Slide (5)
- Aqueous (3)
- Liquid, Human Serum Based (3)
- Ready-to-Use (3)
- Latex Beads (2)
- 18 mm Circle Spot Card (1)
- Liquid Concentrate (1)
- Swab (1)
- Test Strip (1)
- Specialty
- Sterility
- Lithium Heparin Additive (4)
- Cary-Blair with Indicator / 1.16% Agar Additive (1)
- Plain (494)
- 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin Solution Additive (10)
- K2 EDTA Additive (7)
- Liquid Stuart Medium Additive (7)
- Liquid Amies Medium Additive (6)
- Sodium Citrate Additive (6)
- Amies Agar Gel without Charcoal Additive (4)
- Ammonium Heparin Additive (4)
- Clot Activator / Separator Gel Additive (3)
- Clot Activator Additive (3)
- Sodium Heparin Additive (3)
- Boric Acid Preservative Additive (2)
- Culture and Sensitivity Medium Additive (2)
- DNA Stabilization Additive (2)
- K3 EDTA / Immunophenotyping Preservative Additive (2)
- K3 EDTA Additive (2)
- PAXgene Blood RNA Preservative Additive (2)
- Urine Preservative Tablet Additive (2)
- Amies Agar Gel with Charcoal Additive (1)
- Blood RNA Stabilization Solution Additive (1)
- Boric Acid Preservative Tablet Additive (1)
- Buffered Zinc Formalin Solution Additive (1)
- C and S Preservative Additive (1)
- Cary Blair Medium Additive (1)
- Letheen Broth Additive (1)
- Modified Cary-Blair Medium Additive (1)
- Norgen's Stool Preservative (1)
- Norgren's Urine Preservative Additive (1)
- PCR Media Additive (1)
- SAF Fixative Additive (1)
- Separator Gel Additive (1)
- Serum Bilirubin / Separator Gel Additive (1)
- Sodium Fluoride / Potassium Oxalate Additive (1)
- Sodium Heparin / Separator Gel Additive (1)
- Total-Fix Additive (1)
Probe Type
- Internal Sensor (9)
- Partial Immersion (32)
- Stainless Steel Probe (22)
- Bottle Probe (10)
- Total Immersion (10)
- External Probe (5)
- Glycol Bottle Probe (5)
- Adhesive Temperature Sensor (4)
- 2 Bottle Probes (3)
- Vaccine Bottle Probe (3)
- 2 Stainless Steel Probes (2)
- Ambient Sensor (2)
- Bullet Probe (2)
- Infrared Sensor (2)
- Precision RTD Element (2)
- Solid State Sensor (2)
- Type K Thermocouple Probe (2)
- Without External Probe (2)
- 2 Bullet Probes (1)
- 2 External Probes (1)
- 2 Glycol Bottle Probes (1)
- 2 Type K Beaded Probes (1)
- Bimetallic Strip Transducer (1)
- External Thermistor Probe (1)
- Internal Probe (1)
- Internal Sensor / External Probe (1)
- Internal Sensor / External Sensor (1)
- Internal Sensor / Stainless Steel Probe (1)
- Internal Sensor / Type K Thermocouple Probe (1)
- K Thermocouple Probe (1)
- Miniature Probe (1)
- Platinum RTD Sensor (1)
- Remote Probe (1)
- Short Epoxy Sensor (1)
- Short External Sensor (1)
- Stainless Steel / Glycol Bottle Probe (1)
- Stainless Steel Probe / Platinum RTD Sensor (1)
- Stainless Steel Probe / Platinum Sensor (1)
- Thermistor Sensor (1)
- Type K Beaded Probe (1)
- Usage
- Display Type
- 15 mL Fill (0.5 oz.) (3)
- 500 mL (198)
- 100 mL (102)
- 1 Liter (93)
- 2 mL (89)
- 5 mL (86)
- 10 mL (79)
- 50 mL (61)
- 500 Gram (61)
- 500 mL (16 oz.) (59)
- 4 Liter (58)
- 1 mL (50)
- 15 mL (48)
- 1,000 mL (32 oz.) (45)
- 250 mL (8 oz.) (39)
- 1.5 mL (35)
- 25 mL (35)
- 1 gal. (32)
- 1 to 200 µL (31)
- 250 mL (29)
- 65 mL (27)
- 1,000 µL (26)
- 60 mL (2 oz.) (26)
- 100 Gram (23)
- 100 to 1,000 µL (23)
- 20 mL (23)
- 90 mL (3 oz.) (23)
- 3 X 17 mL (21)
- 120 mL (4 oz.) (19)
- 3 X 18 mL (19)
- 125 mL (4 oz.) (18)
- 200 µL (18)
- 1 kg (17)
- 10 to 100 µL (17)
- 25 Gram (17)
- 4 mL (17)
- 2,000 mL (64 oz.) (16)
- 30 mL (1 oz.) (16)
- 6 X 5 mL (16)
- 1.8 mL (14)
- 20 Liter (14)
- 3 mL (14)
- 0.1 to 10 µL (13)
- 12 mL (13)
- 16 oz. (13)
- 10 Liter (12)
- 100 to 1,000 μL (12)
- 495 mL (12)
- 6 mL (12)
- 0.5 mL (11)
- 30 mL (11)
- 50 µL (11)
- 8 mL (11)
- 120 mL (10)
- 125 mL (10)
- 2 to 200 µL (10)
- 2.5 mL (9)
- 20 to 200 μL (9)
- 475 mL (9)
- 5 Gram (9)
- 1 X 10 mL (8)
- 10 X 1 mL (8)
- 250 µL (8)
- 5 X 15 mL (8)
- 50 to 1,000 µL (8)
- 500 µL (8)
- 6 X 1 Liter (8)
- 60 mL (8)
- 0.2 mL (7)
- 0.5 to 5 mL (7)
- 1 to 10 µL (7)
- 100 per Bottle (7)
- 15 mL (0.5 oz.) (7)
- 20 X 5 mL (7)
- 20 µL (7)
- 30 to 300 µL (7)
- 5 Liter (7)
- 1,000 mL (6)
- 10 X 10 mL (6)
- 10 X 500 mL (6)
- 10 µL (6)
- 101 to 1,000 µL (6)
- 14 mL (6)
- 2 Liter (64 oz.) (6)
- 2 X 5 mL (6)
- 2 to 20 μL (6)
- 2.5 Liter (6)
- 20 to 200 µL (6)
- 250 Gram (6)
- 400 mL (6)
- 6 X 1 mL (6)
- 6 X 100 mL (6)
- R1: 17 mL, R2: 17 mL (6)
- 0.1 mL (5)
- 1 Liter (32 oz.) (5)
- 1 to 100 mL (5)
- 1.2 mL (5)
- 100 to 1,250 µL (5)
- 100 µL (5)
- 16 mL (5)
- 2 X 10 mL (5)
- 2 to 20 µL (5)
- 200 to 1,000 µL (5)
- 25 µL (5)
- 3 X 500 mL (5)
- 32 oz. (5)
- 4.5 mL (5)
- 40 mL (5)
- 40 µL (5)
- 480 mL (16 oz.) (5)
- 6 X 3 mL (5)
- 6 X 500 mL (5)
- 7 mL (5)
- 8 oz. (5)
- R1: 25 mL, R2: 8 mL (5)
- 0.1 to 20 µL (4)
- 0.1 to 200 mL (4)
- 0.2 to 10 µL (4)
- 1 X 5 mL (4)
- 1 to 10 mL (4)
- 1,250 µL (4)
- 10 X 5 mL (4)
- 100 µg (4)
- 115 mL (4)
- 150 mL (4)
- 2 X 25 mL (4)
- 2 X 500 mL (4)
- 3 kg (4)
- 3 to 25 μL (4)
- 300 µL (4)
- 350 µL (4)
- 4 X 500 mL (4)
- 4 oz. (4)
- 5,000 mL (4)
- 600 mL (4)
- 9 mL (4)
- 946 mL (4)
- 0.1 to 100 mL (3)
- 0.25 to 2.5 mL (3)
- 0.5 to 10 µL (3)
- 0.5 to 12.5 µL (3)
- 0.5 to 20 µL (3)
- 1 µL to 5 mL (3)
- 10 X 2.5 mL (3)
- 10 X 4 mL (3)
- 10 mg (3)
- 1000 mL (3)
- 125 µL (3)
- 2 oz. (3)
- 2,000 µL (3)
- 20 to 50 μL (3)
- 200 mL (3)
- 3,000 mL (3)
- 3,000 μL (3)
- 3.6 mL (3)
- 4 X 250 mL (3)
- 4 X 4 mL (3)
- 4 X 8 oz. (3)
- 5 X 1 mL (3)
- 5 to 50 μL (3)
- 5.8 mL (3)
- 50 Gram (3)
- 50 Tests (3)
- 50 to 250 μL (3)
- 50 μg (3)
- 600 µL (3)
- 7.4 mL (3)
- 70 µL (3)
- 0 to 200 µL (2)
- 0.1 to 2.5 μL (2)
- 0.3 µL (2)
- 0.5 to 10 mL (2)
- 0.5 to 10 μL (2)
- 0.5 to 200 µL (2)
- 0.9 mL (2)
- 1 Gram (2)
- 1 X 4 mL (2)
- 1 mg (2)
- 1 oz. (2)
- 1 to 1,000 μL (2)
- 1 to 20 µL (2)
- 1 to 300 µL (2)
- 1 to 5 mL (2)
- 1 µL to 50 mL (2)
- 1.4 mL (2)
- 1.7 mL (2)
- 10 Slides (2)
- 10 mL Fill in 20 mL (0.67 oz.) (2)
- 10 μL (2)
- 100 mL (3.4 oz.) (2)
- 11 X 3 mL (2)
- 12.5 µL (2)
- 15 Plates (2)
- 15 to 300 µL (2)
- 150 µL (2)
- 180 mL (6 oz.) (2)
- 19 mL (2)
- 2 X 1 mL (2)
- 2 X 120 mL (2)
- 2 X 45 mL (2)
Power Source
- Battery Operated (83)
- Does Not Require Power (53)
- 100 to 240V, 50/60Hz (16)
- Without Power (10)
- 115V, 50/60Hz (8)
- AC Adapter (Included) or 4 AA Batteries (Not Included) (8)
- 100 to 240VAC, 50/60Hz (7)
- 110 to 220V (7)
- 120V, 50/60Hz (7)
- 120V, 60Hz (6)
- AC Adaptor / Battery Backup (6)
- 100 to 240V, 50/60Hz AC Adapter (4)
- 110 to 200V (3)
- 115V (3)
- 120V, 1.2 Amp, 135 W (3)
- 125V, 20A (3)
- AC Adapter / Battery Backup (3)
- 100 to 120V, 50/60Hz (2)
- 100 to 120V, 50/60Hz, US Plug Type (2)
- 100 to 240V (2)
- 115/230 V, 50/60Hz, 950 W (2)
- 115V, 60Hz (2)
- 115VAC, 120 Watts (2)
- 230V, 50/60Hz (2)
- 240V, 50/60Hz (2)
- AA Batteries (2)
- US Plug Type (2)
- (2) AA Batteries (1)
- 0 to 10V (1)
- 0 to 1A (1)
- 1.25 - 15VDC 0.5A at 8V; 0.3A at12V; 0.2A at 15V (1)
- 100 - 115V (1)
- 100 - 115V, 50/60Hz, 1A (1)
- 100 - 240VAC, 50/60Hz (1)
- 100 to 115V (1)
- 100 to 115V, 50/60Hz, 10A (1)
- 100 to 115V, 60Hz (1)
- 100 to 120V, 2.5A (1)
- 100 to 120V, 50/60Hz, US (1)
- 100 to 130V, 50/60Hz, 200W (1)
- 100 to 220V, 50/60Hz (1)
- 100 to 240V, 50/60Hz, 0.2A, 2W (1)
- 100 to 240V, 50/60Hz, 0.3A, 10W (1)
- 100 to 240V, 50/60Hz, 1A (1)
- 100 to 240V, 50/60Hz, 300W (1)
- 100 to 240V, 50/60Hz, 6W, US Plug Type (1)
- 100 to 240V, US Plug (1)
- 100 to 240VAC, 50/60 Hz, AC Adapter Included (1)
- 100V, 50/60Hz (1)
- 110 V Power Outlet (1)
- 110 to 120V (1)
- 110 to 120V, 60Hz (1)
- 110 to 120VAC, 220 to 240VAC, 50/60 HZ (1)
- 110 to 220V, 200W (1)
- 110 to 240VAC, 50/60Hz (1)
- 110/120VAC, 60Hz, Max. 2 Amp; 220/240VAC, 50/60Hz, Max. 1 Amp (1)
- 110V (1)
- 110V or 220V Outlet (1)
- 110VAC, 60Hz (1)
- 111 to 220V (1)
- 115 V/60 Hz/9.5 A/Nema 5-15 Plug (1)
- 115V, 1,200W (1)
- 115V, 20A (1)
- 115V, 295W (1)
- 115V, 5-15P Plug (1)
- 115V, 50/60Hz, 0.6A (1)
- 115V, 60Hz or 230V, 50Hz (1)
- 115V, 60Hz, 14A (1)
- 115V, 60Hz, 16A (1)
- 115V, 60Hz, 6.8A (1)
- 115V, 60Hz, Domestic (1)
- 115V, 60Hz, NEMA 5-15 Plug Type (1)
- 115VAC, 235 Watts (1)
- 115VAC, 50/60Hz, 200 Watts (1)
- 115VAC, 50/60Hz, 250W (1)
- 12 V, 5 W (1)
- 120 V, 60 Hz, 600 W, 5 A (1)
- 120 V/60 Hz/1440 W/12 A/Nema 5-15 Plug (1)
- 120 V/60 Hz/3 A (1)
- 120 V/60 Hz/540 W/4.5 A/Nema 5-15 US (1)
- 120 V/60 Hz/720 W/6 A/Nema 5-15 US (1)
- 120 to 230 V (1)
- 120/230 V, 1.5 to 1.8 / 0.7 to 0.9 Amp (1)
- 120/230 V, 9 to 10.5 / 4.3 to 5 Amp (1)
- 120V (1)
- 120V, 1.2 Amp, 135 Watt (1)
- 120V, 1.8 Amp, 215 W (1)
- 120V, 50/60Hz, 0.15 Amp (1)
- 120V, 50/60Hz, 0.25 Amp (1)
- 120V, 50/60Hz, 1.2A (1)
- 120V, 50/60Hz, 22 W (1)
- 120V, 50/60Hz, 5A (1)
- 120V, 50/60Hz, 6.5 Amps (1)
- 120V, 50/60Hz, 750 W, 6.2 Amp (1)
- 120V, 50/60Hz, 8.3 Amp (1)
- 120V, 50/60Hz, NEMA 5-15 Plug Type (1)
- 120V, 60Hz, 0.7A (1)
- 120V, 60Hz, 1440 W, 12 Amp (1)
- 120V, 60Hz, 300 Watts, 2.5 Amps, Nema 5-15 US (1)
- 120V, 60Hz, 300W, Nema 5 - 15 US Plug Type (1)
- 120V, 60Hz, 300W, Nema 5-15 US (1)
- 120V, 60Hz, 350W (1)
- 120V, 60Hz, 5.9A (1)
- 120V, 60Hz, 9 Amps, 1,100W (1)
- 120V, 60Hz, Nema 5-15 Plug Type (1)
- 120V, 60Hz, Nema 5-15 US (1)
- 120V, US Plug Style (1)
- 120v, 60Hz, NEMA 5-15 US (1)
- 12VDC Adapter / Internal Rechargeable Battery (1)
- 12VDC, 50/60 Hz (1)
- 2 X AAA Batteries (1)
- 200 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz, CN, EU, UK Plug Type (1)
- 208 to 220V, 60Hz (1)
- 208V (1)
- 220 to 240VAC, 50Hz, 0.03A, 4W (1)
- 220V, 50Hz (1)
- 230 V AC/50 to 60 HZ (1)
- 230V 60Hz (1)
- 230V, 60Hz, 9A (1)
- 240VAC, 50/60Hz (1)
- 250W Max Power (1)
- 3 AA Batteries (1)
- 3 AA Batteries, optional AC Adapter (1)
- 300W (1)
- 6 V, 18 W (1)
- 70 V, 50/60Hz (1)
- AAA Battery (1)
- AC Adapter (1)
- AC Adapter / 4 AA Batteries (1)
- AC Adapter / Battery Operated (1)
- AC Adapter, (3) AAA Betteries (1)
- AC Adapter, 4 AA Batteries (1)
- AC Adaptor / 4 AA Batteries (1)
- AC Power / Rechargeable Battery (1)
- AC Power Supply / Battery Operated (1)
- Lithium Ion Battery (1)
- Manual (1)
- Rechargeable NiMH cCell / 7.2V (1)
- Solar Power / Battery Backup (1)
- Tube Color
- Measuring Scale
- Select Items to see more options
- Compare Items
- Compare
,for, Item ID-
- #364791
- Providers like you icon 59
- Fisher Scientific #23249590
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,for, Item ID-
- #516928
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- Fisher Scientific #S66279
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,for, Item ID-
- #915440
- Providers like you icon 61
- Fisher Scientific #SLGPM33RS
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,for, Item ID-
- #868817
- Fisher Scientific #R21610
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,for, Item ID-
- #1211347
- Providers like you icon 14
- Fisher Scientific #23025907
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,for, Item ID-
- #327859
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- Fisher Scientific #0268163
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,for, Item ID-
- #632583
- Providers like you icon 21
- Fisher Scientific #23900530
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,for, Item ID-
- #1202455
- Fisher Scientific #4374966
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,for, Item ID-
- #665900
- Fisher Scientific #NC9472721
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,for, Item ID-
- #802932
- Fisher Scientific #SLVVM33RS
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