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Point-of-Care Lab Testing

What is point of care testing? Learn more about our laboratory services at


Action On Screen 

Lab testing demand jumped to the forefront of the healthcare conversations during the pandemic. The demand for in-office testing continues as patient expectations change and the benefits of in-office point-of-care testing become more apparent. 

We open on a busy doctor's office scene, with happy patients passing through…

Patients no longer need to visit a reference lab for patient sample collections. With in-office testing, they can receive same-day results during regular care visits — leading to faster treatment and better patient outcomes.

…as we see a patient getting a blood test (or a nasal swab)

Fast, accurate diagnostic test results are vital to the health of patients…

We see icons for fast and accurate diagnostic tests…

…and in-office point-of-care tests can deliver the results providers need to…

…as we see the results coming into the healthcare providers, as we see a timer stop, illustrating how quick it was. …

…quickly diagnose and begin treatment plans…

…as they sit down with a patient to discuss diagnosis and treatment plans…

…helping improve patient satisfaction and community perception…

…as we see satisfaction rates going up…

…as well as patient outcomes...

...and show patients living happy and healthy lives.

...while also improving operational efficiencies with faster results and fewer testing errors with the addition of connectivity or LIS systems...

We see a stack of lab test results (then X'ing out that visual -- as the worst-case scenario) transitioning to a computer screen with an image of EHR record – with test results on the screen.

…and new revenue sources from necessary lab testing reimbursements…

…as we see a chart showing revenue going up.

…because when you own the lab, you own the outcomes!

We see lots of tests taking place in the in-house lab…

McKesson's laboratory products and services can help you build your point-of-care testing program…

…as we see examples of McKesson services and products used in the lab…

…Our team of lab experts are as dedicated to your lab as you are! Whether you're a moderately complex or CLIA-waived office — or considering moving to a non-waived platform, we're here to help you improve point-of-care outcomes. Because that's the point of care!

…and a video consultation is taking place between the doctor and McKesson.

Learn more about our laboratory services at

The McKesson logo and web address animate on screen.