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Driving operation efficiencies: Growing through challenge

Despite the many challenges of today's HME, providers who actively and thoughtfully change the way they operate can realize measurable growth. Here's how McKesson VerbalCare® can help.

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Today, more than ever, home medical equipment (HME) providers are finding it difficult to keep their doors open. While some difficulties stem from the pandemic, others are driven by healthcare trends across the continuum of care. These challenges include limited staff, audits, supply chain and reimbursement issues. However, despite these pain points, HME providers who actively and thoughtfully change the way they operate can realize measurable growth. 


In this case study, we explore the challenges providers face, opportunities for change and how McKesson VerbalCare® is helping providers just like you increase operational efficiency, allowing you can your stuff to focus on what matters most.


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