Explore how POC lab testing or transitioning from CLIA-waived to moderately complex lab testing can help address challenges from an outcomes-based approach.
Here’s a look at how to prepare your lab for STI testing and overcome barriers to better health care.
On-site molecular testing allows you to offer efficient and accurate on-demand testing that supports patient outcomes and enhances your clinical practice.
Learn how value-based care can support patient outcomes, improve efficiency and support revenue growth through MACRA incentives.
Point-of-care lab testing can help with preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Learn how POC tests support rapid diagnosis and immediate treatment.
Upgrading your CLIA-waived lab to a moderately complex one involves a big investment. Here’s a look at the costs and benefits to help you make your decision.
Medical laboratories may not provide direct patient care, but clinical labs can play a vital role in creating a positive patient experience.
Integrating LIS with other clinical systems offsets staffing shortages by automating test ordering, delivery of test results, data & reporting, and much more.
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Learn more about the benefits of bringing CHEM/IA into your practice.