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  Globe Scientific 3469 Germaine Laboratories Inc 78250 Streck Laboratories 217657 Clarity Diagnostics CLA-HBS50

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McKesson # 404880 1028509 701860 1028215 660878
Description Hematology Test Kit Sedi-Rate™ Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) 100 Tests CLIA Waived Hematology Test Kit AimStrip® Hemoglobin 50 Tests CLIA Waived Hematology Test Kit Sickledex® Sickle Cell Disease / Sickle Cell Trait 100 Tests CLIA Non-Waived Hematology Test Kit Clarity HbCheck Hemoglobin 50 Tests CLIA Waived Hematology Test Kit Sickledex® Sickle Cell Disease / Sickle Cell Trait 50 Tests CLIA Non-Waived
Manufacturer # 346978250217657CLA-HBS50217660
Brand Sedi-Rate™AimStrip®Sickledex®Clarity HbCheckSickledex®
Manufacturer Globe ScientificGermaine Laboratories IncStreck LaboratoriesClarity DiagnosticsStreck Laboratories
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CLIA Classification CLIA WaivedCLIA WaivedCLIA Moderate ComplexityCLIA WaivedCLIA Moderate Complexity
CLIA Classified CLIA WaivedCLIA WaivedCLIA Non-WaivedCLIA WaivedCLIA Non-Waived
Contents 1 (100) Tests per Box, Pipettes, Vials(50) Test Cartridges, (60) Capilary Tubes, Code ChipSickledex Solubility Buffer, Sickledex Solubility Reagent Powder, Dispenser Caps(50) Test Strips, (60) Pipettes, (1) Code ChipSickledex Solubility Buffer, Sickledex Solubility Reagent Powder, Dispenser Caps
Country of Origin SpainChinaUnited StatesUnknownUnited States
For Use With For AimStrip® Hb Hemoglobin MeterFor Clarity HbCheck Hemoglobin System
Number of Tests 100 Tests50 Tests100 Tests50 Tests50 Tests
Reading Type Visual ReadMachine ReadVisual ReadMachine Read / Visual ReadVisual Read
Storage Requirements Requires RefrigerationRequires Refrigeration
Test Format Pipette FormatCartridge FormatTube FormatTest Strip Format / Cartridge FormatTube Format
Test Kit Type StandardRapidStandardRapidStandard
Test Name Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)HemoglobinSickle Cell Disease / Sickle Cell TraitHemoglobinSickle Cell Disease / Sickle Cell Trait
Test Type Autozero WestergrenAnemia ScreenSolubility TestAnemia ScreenSolubility Test
Time to Results 60 Minute Results15 Second Results6 to 60 Minute Results15 Second Results6 to 60 Minute Results
UNSPSC Code 4111581541116120411161204111612041116120
Application Hematology Test KitHematology Test KitHematology Test KitHematology Test KitHematology Test Kit
Purchase Program Type Standard PurchaseStandard PurchaseStandard PurchaseStandard PurchaseStandard Purchase
Sample Type Whole Blood SampleWhole Blood SampleWhole Blood SampleWhole Blood SampleWhole Blood Sample
Specialty HematologyHematologyHematologyHematologyHematology
Features and Benefits
  • Shatter-proof plastic components
  • The polystyrene Sedi-Rate™ pipette is graduated from 0 to 180mm and features a unique fibrous plug located at the zero mark
  • The plug is specifically designed to be a self-sealing aerosol barrier that stops hazardous substances from escaping through the top of the pipette
  • The polypropylene Sedi-Rate™ vial features a patented self-sealing stopper that is easily pierced with a transfer pipette or piercing funnel
  • The vial is supplied pre-filled with 0.25mL of 3.8% trisodium citrate diluent
  • Simply add 1mL of EDTA-treated blood to complete the 1 to 4 ratio as required by the Westergren method
  • CLIA waived test
  • For testing hemoglobin in whole blood
  • Combo includes: 50 test cartridges, 60 capillary tubes, 1 code chip
  • SICKLEDEX detects the presence of sickling hemoglobins in human blood or sickle cell control material
  • SICKLEDEX kits are conveniently packaged with two separate squeeze bottles of phosphate buffer with Saponin for easy dispensing and to eliminate waste
  • The kits also contain two buffer dispensing caps and two vials of Sodium Hydrosulfite reagent powder
  • Each test requires 2.0 mL of reconstituted solubility buffer and 20 µL of anticoagulated whole blood or 20 µL of sickle cell hemoglobin control
  • Clarity Diagnostics HbCheck Hemoglobin Test Cartridge is used to test hemoglobin which is the main transporter of oxygen in red blood cells
  • Measuring hemoglobin concentrations is useful in the clinical diagnosis of diseases, such as anemia and polycythemia
  • Acceptable specimens include fresh capillary or venous blood
  • Use only Clarity HbCheck Hemoglobin Testing System CLAHB2 - not included
  • SICKLEDEX detects the presence of sickling hemoglobins in human blood or sickle cell control material
  • SICKLEDEX kits are conveniently packaged with two separate squeeze bottles of phosphate buffer with Saponin for easy dispensing and to eliminate waste
  • The kits also contain two buffer dispensing caps and two vials of Sodium Hydrosulfite reagent powder
  • Each test requires 2.0 mL of reconstituted solubility buffer and 20 µL of anticoagulated whole blood or 20 µL of sickle cell hemoglobin control