Product Comparison

  Welch Allyn 777-PM3WCX-US McKesson Brand 156-4L McKesson Brand 156-3L McKesson Brand 156-4PM3 Welch Allyn 777-PM3WAS-US
McKesson # 1188066 1188597 1188594 1188599 1188064
Description Integrated Wall System Green Series™ 777 GS 777 Wall Transformer Integrated Wall System McKesson Ophthalmoscope / Otoscope / BP Aneroid / Specula Dispenser / Thermometer / Transformer Integrated Wall System McKesson Ophthalmoscope / Otoscope / BP Aneroid / Specula Dispenser / Transformer Integrated Wall System McKesson Ophthalmoscope / Otoscope / BP Aneroid / Specula Dispenser / Thermometer / Transformer / iEXAMINER™ Smart Bracket Integrated Wall System Green Series™ 777 GS 777 Wall Transformer
Manufacturer # 777-PM3WCX-US156-4L156-3L156-4PM3777-PM3WAS-US
Brand Green Series™ 777McKessonMcKessonMcKessonGreen Series™ 777
Manufacturer Welch AllynMcKesson BrandMcKesson BrandMcKesson BrandWelch Allyn
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Blood Pressure Measurement Connex Spot Monitor/4400 Vital Signs DeviceBP Wall AneroidBP Wall AneroidBP Wall AneroidBP Wall Aneroid
Dispenser Type EarSpecula DispenserKleenSpec® Specula DispenserKleenSpec® Specula DispenserKleenSpec® Specula DispenserEarSpecula Dispenser
Instrument Type GS 777 Wall TransformerOphthalmoscope / Otoscope / BP Aneroid / Specula Dispenser / Thermometer / TransformerOphthalmoscope / Otoscope / BP Aneroid / Specula Dispenser / TransformerOphthalmoscope / Otoscope / BP Aneroid / Specula Dispenser / Thermometer / Transformer / iEXAMINER™ Smart BracketGS 777 Wall Transformer
Ophthalmoscope LED PanOptic Plus with Quick Eye AlignmentLED Coaxial OphthalmoscopeLED Coaxial OphthalmoscopeLED PanOptic™ Plus OphthalmoscopeLED PanOptic Plus with Quick Eye Alignment
Otoscope LED MacroView Plus, DigitallyCapableLED MacroView™ Basic OtoscopeLED MacroView™ Basic OtoscopeLED MacroView™ Plus OtoscopeLED MacroView Plus, DigitallyCapable
Thermometer Suretemp® Plus ThermometerSuretemp® Plus ThermometerSuretemp® Plus Thermometer
Application Integrated Wall SystemIntegrated Wall SystemIntegrated Wall SystemIntegrated Wall SystemIntegrated Wall System
Country of Origin UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknown
Mounting Type Wall BoardWall BoardWall BoardWall BoardWall Board
UNSPSC Code 4218200542182005421820054218200542182005
Features and Benefits
  • Connex Spot Monitor sold separately
  • MacroView Plus Otoscope and PanOptic Plus Ophthalmoscope are now digitally capable with a smart phone and the included iExaminerSmart Bracket - allows user to switch from optical to digital exams as needed
  • PanOptic Plus Ophthalmoscope with Quick EyeTM alignment technology to help direct a patient's gaze for easier examination of the optic disc
  • Re-designed ophthalmoscope with a familiar form and feel
  • Energy efficient Green Series 777 Wall Transformer with handle-based rheostats and automatic on/off sensors
  • 5-year warranty on otoscope and ophthalmoscope heads
  • McKesson Welch Allyn Green Series™ 777 Integrated Wall System with SureTemp® Plus Thermometer
  • Ensures reliable diagnostic patient data in a consistent and energy-efficient manner to improve workflows and your bottom line
  • Help reduce costs with a more energy-efficient product than other transformers
  • Help improve workflow and save energy with automatic on/off
  • Increase productivity by avoiding time wasted searching for instruments/cuffs
  • Easily installs to upgrade from the Welch Allyn 767 Wall Transformer
  • For one exam room or for entire facility
  • Configurable to include ophthalmoscopes and otoscopes
  • Includes energy-efficient GS 777 Wall Transformer with handle-based rheostats and automatic on/off sensors reducing risk of cross-contamination
  • Includes 3.5 V Coaxial Ophthalmoscope with multiple aperture/filter options to provide long-lasting, reliable performance for general and specialist examinations
  • Includes MacroView™ Otoscope provides a nearly-complete view of the tympanic membrane with 30% greater magnification than traditional otoscopes
  • Includes easy-to-read Wall Aneroid with jeweled-movement, mercury-free manometer, and is certified to be accurate within 1% of scale (±3 mmHg)
  • Includes KleenSpec® disposable specula-filled dispenser offers optimum organization of disposable otoscope tips
  • Includes SureTemp® Plus Electronic Thermometer provides accurate ~4- to 6-second oral readings, 10- to 13-second pediatric axillary and rectal readings, and 12- to 15-second adult axillary readings (156-4 Only)
  • 24.1 (W) x 87.2 (D) x 32.6 (H) cm
  • Wallboard: 30 X 12 Inch
  • Component Warranties-PanOptic Plus Ophthalmoscope/MacroView Plus Otoscope heads: 5 years/ All other ophthalmoscope/otoscope heads: 1 year/ 777 wall transformer: 5 years / BP cuff: 3 years / KleenSpec Dispenser: 90 days / SureTemp Plus 690: 2 years /767 wall aneroid: lifetime calibration warranty
  • Packaged: Each
  • McKesson GS 777 Integrated Wall System
  • Puts all the essential diagnostic tools easily within reach
  • Wall system for use in a single exam room or an entire facility
  • Configurable to include physician's choice of ophthalmoscopes, otoscopes, thermometry, blood pressure, and vital sign devices
  • Standardized wall system and ensure facility gets reliable diagnostic patient data in a consistent, energy-efficient manner to improve workflow, productivity, and the bottom line
  • Helps reduce costs with greater energy-efficiency compared to other transformers
  • Automatic on/off helps improve workflow and saves energy
  • Increases productivity by avoiding time wasted searching for instruments or cuffs
  • Easily installs to upgrade from the Welch Allyn 767 wall transformer
  • Energy-efficient GS 777 wall transformer with handle-based rheostats and automatic on/off sensors reduces risk of cross-contamination
  • Easy-to-read wall aneroid with jeweled-movement, mercury-free manometer, and certified accuracy within 1 percent of scale (±3 mmHg)
  • KleenSpec® disposable specula-filled dispenser offers optimum organization of disposable otoscope tips
  • Includes 3.5 V LED Coaxial Ophthalmoscope with multiple aperture/filter options to deliver long-lasting, reliable performance for general and specialist examinations
  • LED MacroView™ Basic Otoscope offers a nearly-complete view of the tympanic membrane with 30% greater magnification than traditional otoscopes
  • 24.5 (W) X 87.8 (D) X 32.2 (H) cm
  • Packaged: Each
  • McKesson GS 777 Integrated Wall System
  • Puts all the essential diagnostic tools easily within reach
  • Wall system for use in a single exam room or an entire facility
  • Configurable to include physician's choice of ophthalmoscopes, otoscopes, thermometry, blood pressure, and vital sign devices
  • Standardized wall system and ensure facility gets reliable diagnostic patient data in a consistent, energy-efficient manner to improve workflow, productivity, and the bottom line
  • Helps reduce costs with greater energy-efficiency compared to other transformers
  • Automatic on/off helps improve workflow and saves energy
  • Increases productivity by avoiding time wasted searching for instruments or cuffs
  • Easily installs to upgrade from the Welch Allyn 767 wall transformer
  • Energy-efficient GS 777 wall transformer with handle-based rheostats and automatic on/off sensors reduces risk of cross-contamination
  • Easy-to-read wall aneroid with jeweled-movement, mercury-free manometer, and certified accuracy within 1 percent of scale (±3 mmHg)
  • KleenSpec® disposable specula-filled dispenser offers optimum organization of disposable otoscope tips
  • Includes LED PanOptic Plus Ophthalmoscope – 20x the viewing area of the standard ophthalmoscope
  • The LED MacroView™ Plus Otoscope offers a nearly-complete view of the tympanic membrane with 30% greater magnification than traditional otoscopes
  • SureTemp® Plus electronic thermometer provides accurate ~4- to 6-second oral readings, 10- to 13-second pediatric axillary and rectal readings, and 12- to 15-second adult axillary readings
  • 24.5 (W) X 87.8 (D) X 32.2 (H) cm
  • Packaged: Each
  • With iExaminer SmartBracket for MacroView Plus
  • PanOptic Plus Ophthalmoscope with Quick EyeTM alignment technology to help direct a patient's gaze for easier examination of the optic disc
  • Re-designed ophthalmoscope with a familiar form and feel
  • Energy efficient Green Series 777 Wall Transformer with handle-based rheostats and automatic on/off sensors
  • 5-year warranty on otoscope and ophthalmoscope heads
  • SureTemp 690 will deliver fast, accurate, and repeatable readings on patients of all age groups