Shop Clinical Laboratory Accessories
- 96-Well Cap Mat (7)
- Absorbent / Desiccant (4)
- Achromat Objective Lens (11)
- Acid Cleaning Pouch (3)
- Adapter (10)
- Adapter Set (4)
- Air Compressor with Dryer (2)
- Air Filter (2)
- Aliquot Tube (2)
- Ambient Room Temperature Sensor (2)
- Ampule Opener (4)
- Anaerobic Gas Pack Lid (2)
- Analytical Individual Weight (4)
- Annual Maintenance Service (2)
- Applicator Straw (2)
- Artificial Test Soil (3)
- AU NE Tray (2)
- Automatic Buret (3)
- Base Assembly Sealer Kit (2)
- Base Cleaning Pouch (2)
- Base Mold (12)
- Bath Beads (2)
- Beads (5)
- Beaker Lid (2)
- Beta Waste Shield (2)
- Bibulous Paper (2)
- Biohazard Shield (12)
- Biphenyl LC Column (3)
- Blower (2)
- Bluing Tablets (3)
- Bottle Assembly (2)
- Bottle Holder (2)
- Bottletop Dispenser (16)
- Bottletop Filter (3)
- Buret (2)
- C-Mount Adapter (3)
- CA-6000 Instrument (2)
- Calculi Strainer (2)
- Calibrated Weight Set (5)
- Calibration Weight (5)
- Canister Freezing Rack (2)
- Cannula Adapter (2)
- Cap Insert (11)
- Capillary Tube Holding Tray (3)
- Capillary Tube Sealant (2)
- Capsule Filter (5)
- Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Generator (6)
- Carbon Filter (4)
- Carousel (5)
- Carrying Case (3)
- Cartridge (11)
- Cartridge Holder (2)
- Casette Hopper (2)
- CD-ROM (6)
- Cell Counting Chamber Slide (3)
- Cell Spreader (7)
- Cell Strainer (8)
- CentraLink Data Management System Software (2)
- Chart Recorder Pen (3)
- CLA-1TM Luminometer Equipment Kit Component (5)
- CLA® Allergen-Specific IgE Assay Supplies (4)
- CO2 Adsorber / Sterile Filter (2)
- Column (5)
- Consumable Kit (3)
- Cork Stopper (4)
- Coverslip Hopper (3)
- Cryo Storage Box Divider (16)
- Cryo Vial Closure Color Coder (6)
- Cryo/Freezer Box (3)
- CS System Outer Ring (2)
- Cuvette (22)
- D&E Empty Bottle (3)
- Decapper Kit (6)
- Desiccator (5)
- Dessicator Cabinet (3)
- Disposable Base Mold (3)
- Dolly (5)
- Dropper Bulb (3)
- Dry Bath Block (12)
- Economy Dipper Cup (3)
- Electroporation Cuvette (3)
- Erlenmeyer Flask Platform (3)
- Filter (10)
- Filter Hold with Receiver (3)
- Filter Membrane (5)
- Filter Paper (53)
- Filter Unit (6)
- Footrest Bar (4)
- Formalin Neutralizer Cutting Pad (3)
- Formalin Neutralizing Pad (8)
- Fuse (4)
- Gasket (3)
- Glass Prefilter (3)
- Glycol Bottle (3)
- Guard Cartridge (3)
- Heating Block (6)
- Hemacytometer (4)
- Hematype Segment Device (3)
- Histology Paraffin (5)
- HPLC Column (15)
- I-LANE 1200 Module (3)
- Ice Bucket (9)
- Ice Pan (12)
- Incubation Container (4)
- Input Baseframe (3)
- Instrument-Specific Serum Filter (6)
- Interface Slot (6)
- L-Turn Spur Set (3)
- Lab Carrier (6)
- Lab Cutting Board (3)
- Lab Notebook (11)
- Lab Spatula (7)
- Label Holder (3)
- Laboratory Connector Tubing (3)
- Laboratory Marker (3)
- Loop Holder (5)
- Luer-Stub Adapter (4)
- Magnetic Stir Bar (9)
- Magnetic Stirring Bar (4)
- Membrane Filter (7)
- Microsphere (3)
- Monitoring Badge (5)
- Narrow-Mouth Bottle (3)
- Nesting Sample Cup (5)
- O-Ring (7)
- Objective Lens (38)
- Output Baseframe (7)
- PCM Panel Set (7)
- Pen (3)
- Plate Sealing Film (15)
- Plate Sealing Mat (3)
- Power Supply (5)
- Pretreatment Pack (6)
- Printer (5)
- Probe Assembly (3)
- Pump Tubing (4)
- Reagent Probe (3)
- Rear Cover (4)
- Replacement Stopcock Assembly (4)
- Replacement Test Reagent (11)
- RPR Test Card (6)
- Rubber Stopper (3)
- Sachet (3)
- Safety Bottle Carriers (3)
- Sample Cup (29)
- Sample Cup Cap (3)
- Sample Cup Holder (3)
- Sample Tip (4)
- Sample Tube (6)
- Sample Tube Strip Tray Stabilizer (4)
- Sealing Dispenser (7)
- Sealing Film (15)
- Sealing Tape (18)
- Shaker Platform (4)
- Slide Holder (9)
- Slide Rack (3)
- Slide Storage Box (10)
- Slide Tray (9)
- Spring Scale (3)
- Standard Serum Filter (5)
- Stir Bar (3)
- Stirring Rod (5)
- Stopper, Tube (4)
- Storage Cane (4)
- Susceptibility Test Disc Dispenser (3)
- T-Lane 900 Module (3)
- Teasing Needle (3)
- Temperature Probe (3)
- Test Card (5)
- Test Tube Brush (6)
- Thermal Printer (3)
- Thermal Transfer Ribbon (3)
- Thermoblock (3)
- Tip (3)
- Tip, Pipette (4)
- Tissue Grinder (17)
- Tube Adapter (8)
- Tube Assembly (3)
- Tube Clip (8)
- Tube Holder (5)
- Tube Holder Clip (3)
- Tube Insert (6)
- Tube Rotator Carousel (3)
- Tubing (15)
- Tubing Assembly (3)
- Tubing, Plastic (3)
- Tubing, Rubber (3)
- UHPLC Column (3)
- USB Cable (3)
- UV Replacement Bulb (3)
- Vacuum Filter System (14)
- Vacuum Filter Unit (3)
- Vent Filter (3)
- Vial Holder (3)
- Vortex Mixer Tube Holder (6)
- Watch Glass (3)
- Water Bath Lid (3)
- Water Filter (5)
- Water Purification Cartridge (7)
- Weight Set (3)
Brand or Series
- 3M™ (2)
- 96-Well Cap Mat (1)
- Ac.T (1)
- Ac.T Tainer (1)
- Access® (3)
- Access® 2 (1)
- Access® 2 Immunoassay (1)
- Accu-Scope® (2)
- AccuCheck (1)
- Accufill™ (1)
- Acculab (1)
- AccuTherm™ SmartLOG® (1)
- AccuThrive® (3)
- Accutube* (1)
- Accuvette™ (1)
- Advia (5)
- Advia 1200® (2)
- ADVIA Centaur® (1)
- Advia® (2)
- AFS® (1)
- Agilent (6)
- Air Science® (2)
- Airchek® (2)
- ALBA (1)
- Alco-Sensor® (3)
- Alere (2)
- ali-Q (6)
- Alinity i (4)
- AnaeroPack® (3)
- AP 3600™ (1)
- Applied Biosystems™ (2)
- Aptio (2)
- Aptio Automation (13)
- Architect™ (9)
- Argos Technologies PolarSafe® (26)
- Ascentis® Express (2)
- ASI™ (1)
- AST-2S (1)
- Atellica Magline® (6)
- Atellica® (11)
- AutoMate 2500 (4)
- AVF 45 Platinum (1)
- BBL™ (4)
- BBL™ Streptocard™ (14)
- BD Adams™ (2)
- BD Affirm™ (2)
- BD BBL™ Sensi-Disc™ (3)
- BD Intramedic™ (12)
- BD Macro-Vue™ RPR (3)
- BD Microtainer® (2)
- BD Molecular (2)
- BD Phoenix™ AP (2)
- BD ProbeTec™ (2)
- BD Vacutainer® (2)
- Bel-Art™ SP Scienceware™ (7)
- Bella Blankets® (2)
- Bio-Bag™ (2)
- Biopak® C (2)
- C-Chip™ (2)
- Capinsert™ (4)
- CapLock™ (5)
- Cardinal Health™ (4)
- CDI (2)
- Cell-Dyn® (2)
- Chemglass Life Sciences (6)
- Cholestech LDX™ (3)
- CLA-1TM Luminometer (3)
- CLA® (2)
- CLA® Allergen-Specific IgE Assay (6)
- Clinitek® Status (2)
- CO2Gen™ (2)
- Coag-Sense® (5)
- Corning® (5)
- Corning™ (4)
- CytoSep™ (2)
- Diamond® PureFlow™ (12)
- Diamond® SureFlow™ (4)
- Dispensette™ (3)
- Dispensette™ S (2)
- Drierite® (4)
- Duke Standards™ (3)
- DxM (3)
- Easy-Clip (3)
- EasyLog (2)
- Edvotek™ (8)
- Eisco (2)
- Eisco Labs (3)
- EMD Millipore (2)
- Envoy® (2)
- Eppendorf SmartBlock PCR 96 (2)
- Eppendorf® (2)
- Falcon™ (2)
- Fan Pad-GL™ (3)
- Fisher Scientific™ (7)
- Fisher Scientific™ Isotemp™ (2)
- Fisherbrand® (21)
- Fisherbrand® VersaClosure® (2)
- Fisherbrand™ (63)
- Fisherbrand™ Castaloy™ (2)
- Fisherbrand™ DuraPorter™ (2)
- Fisherbrand™ Octagon Spinbar™ (4)
- Fisherbrand™ Traceable™ (3)
- FormaGuard™ Plus (4)
- Fyrite® (2)
- GasPak™ (8)
- GasPak™ EZ (6)
- Gibco® Lab Armor® (2)
- Grafco® (3)
- Guardian (2)
- Hausser Scientific™ Bright-Line™ (2)
- Haztech Systems (2)
- Hemaprep® (3)
- HemataSeal® (2)
- HemoCue® (2)
- i-STAT® (2)
- ID-Micro Typing System™ (2)
- Immage® (2)
- Immulite® (3)
- Indexor (3)
- InfinityLab (9)
- Innova® (3)
- IsoTherm-System® (2)
- Kimble® (3)
- Kimble® Kontes® Duall® (6)
- Kinetex® (3)
- KodiaKooler® (2)
- Lab Armor® (3)
- Labomed (2)
- LogTag® (3)
- McKesson (11)
- McKesson Consult™ Hb (3)
- Mettler Toledo™ (5)
- MicroAmp™ (5)
- Moist Mark Plus™ (2)
- Nalgene™ (100)
- Nalge™ (2)
- Nunc™ (2)
- Nunc™ Cell Factory™ (2)
- OC-Auto® (2)
- OHAUS™ (2)
- Osmette™ (2)
- Oxoid™ (2)
- Oxoid™ AnaeroGen™ (3)
- Parafilm® M (9)
- Power Express (35)
- Precision™ (2)
- PREVI® Color (4)
- Progard® (2)
- Pyrex™ (4)
- PYtest® (4)
- Q-Gard® A (2)
- Quintip® (2)
- RapID™ (2)
- Ready Sensor™ (2)
- RoClean™ (3)
- Saf-T-Pak® (2)
- SafeTech™ (5)
- SecurityGuard™ (4)
- Seiler (13)
- Selectra® (3)
- Seripettor® (2)
- Shandon™ (2)
- Smart-Vue Pro (2)
- Snapit™ (3)
- SP Scienceware™ (4)
- Stericup® (2)
- Sterileware® (2)
- Super Erecta® (3)
- Supor® EKV - Mini Kleenpak™ (2)
- SureOne™ (2)
- Thermo Scientific™ (65)
- Thermo Scientific™ Barnstead™ (5)
- Thermo Scientific™ DeviceLink Connect (2)
- Thermo Scientific™ Harvey™ DI+ (2)
- Thermo Scientific™ KingFisher™ (2)
- Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ (2)
- Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ (27)
- Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ (2)
- Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ (3)
- Thermo Scientifric™ (3)
- ThermoSafe® (5)
- Tissue-Tek® (2)
- Traceable® (3)
- Troemner® (5)
- Tropocells® (2)
- TrueNorth® (6)
- TrueNorth® Cool Container (4)
- VaporPad™ (3)
- Vericor (7)
- ViiA™ (3)
- VWR® (2)
- Walter Stern (2)
- Wescor Inc (2)
- Whatman® (7)
- Whatman™ (11)
- Wheaton® (6)
- Wheaton™ (5)
- Polystyrene (50)
- Aluminum Seal (2)
- Stainless Steel (66)
- Polypropylene (59)
- Plastic (51)
- Polyethylene (48)
- Acrylic (34)
- Aluminum (34)
- Glass (26)
- Polycarbonate (25)
- Cardboard (17)
- Cellulose (16)
- EVA Foam (15)
- HDPE (12)
- Polystyrene / ABS / PES Membrane (12)
- PETG (11)
- Paper (11)
- Silicone (11)
- Metal (10)
- Rubber (10)
- Phase Change Material (8)
- Polyester (8)
- Thermoplastic (8)
- LDPE (7)
- Nylon Mesh / Polypropylene Frame (7)
- PTFE (7)
- ABS Plastic (6)
- Alnico Magnet (6)
- Polysulfone (6)
- Cellulose Fiber (5)
- Fiberboard (5)
- Polyethylene / Paper (5)
- Polyurethane (5)
- TPE (5)
- Alnico Magnet, PTFE Coating (4)
- Ceramic (4)
- Foam (4)
- Nylon (4)
- Borosilicate Glass (3)
- Fiberglass (3)
- Film (3)
- Glass Fiber / Glass Membrane (3)
- High Quality Cotton Linters (3)
- Mixed Cellulose Esters (MCE) (3)
- PVC (3)
- Polyester Acrylate (3)
- Polymer (3)
- Polyolefin (3)
- Polypropylene / HDPE (3)
- Soil (3)
- TFE / ETFE (3)
- Accu-Rated™ PVC (2)
- Acrylic / PTFE (2)
- Activated Carbon (2)
- Alpha Cotton Cellulose (2)
- Aluminum Acrylate (2)
- Aluminum Alloy (2)
- Anodized Aluminum (2)
- Brass (2)
- Cellulose Acetate (2)
- Clay (2)
- EPS (2)
- Epoxy (2)
- Fiber (2)
- Latex (2)
- MBS/Polypropylene (2)
- Nylon / Steel Wire (2)
- PES (2)
- PTFE / Silicone (2)
- Poly (2)
- Polycoated (2)
- Polyester Silicone (2)
- Polyethylene / Non-toxic Liquid Filled (2)
- Polyolefin Acrylate (2)
- Polypropylene / Polycarbonate (2)
- Polypropylene / Polystyrene / HDPE (2)
- Polypropylene Housing (2)
- Polypropylene Tube / Polystyrene Pestle and Tip / HDPE Cap and Extra Cap (2)
- Pyrex™ (2)
- Rayon Acrylate (2)
- Soda Lime Glass (2)
- Steel (2)
- Thermo Plastic Elastomer (2)
- Wax (2)
- Wood (2)
- 3-ply Jute (1)
- 304 Grade Stainless Steel (1)
- ABS (1)
- ABS / Polycarbonate (1)
- ABS Plastic Case (1)
- Acetal Plastic (1)
- Acrylic / Epoxy-coated Steel Base (1)
- Aluminum / PVC (1)
- Aluminum / PVC Insulation (1)
- Aluminum / Polymer (1)
- Aluminum / Silicone (1)
- Aluminum Bronze (1)
- Aluminum Closure (1)
- Aluminum, Polypropylene (1)
- Amber Glass / PTFE Cap (1)
- Annealed Glass (1)
- Bromobutyl Rubber (1)
- Butyl (1)
- Cadmium Coated Stainless Steel (1)
- Carbon (1)
- Cast Aluminum (1)
- Cast Iron (1)
- Cellulouse (1)
- Ceramic / Metal (1)
- Charcoal Absorbent Pad (1)
- Charcoal Activated Carbon (1)
- Cloth (1)
- Coated Steel (1)
- Corrugated Cardboard (1)
- ETFE (1)
- EVA (1)
- Epoxy Coated Steel Housing (1)
- Epoxy-coated Steel (1)
- Epoxy-coated Steel Wire (1)
- Felt (1)
- Ferrite Magnet (ceramic) (1)
- Fiberglass / Vinyl (1)
- Flexelene™ (1)
- Foam / Plastic (1)
- Gel / Polyethylene (1)
- Glass / Polymer (1)
- Glass / Polypropylene (1)
- Glass Wool (1)
- Gold Plated (1)
- Gypsum (1)
- HDPE / Stainless Steel (1)
- High Carbon (1)
- Hydrophilic Polyethersulfone (1)
- Hydrophilic Polyvinylidene Fluoride (1)
- Hydrophobic Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) (1)
- Laminated Plastic (1)
- Lead (1)
- Low Density Polyethylene (1)
- Magnet (1)
- Metal / Plastic (1)
- Metalized Chamber (1)
- Metallic (1)
- Milled Soda Lime Glass (1)
- Natural Latex Rubber (1)
- Neoprene (1)
- Neoprene / Stainless Steel (1)
- Nickelplated Zinc Alloy (1)
- Nitrocellulose (1)
- Nylon / Polyethlyene (1)
- Nylon Bristles (1)
- Nylon Vinyl / Steel (1)
- PE-10 Polyethylene (1)
- PEEK (1)
- PES / Acrylic Tip (1)
- PES Membrane (1)
- PFA Coated Plunger (1)
- PPCO (1)
- PTFE Coated Alnico Magnet (1)
- PVC Resin (1)
- PVDF (1)
- Paperboard (1)
- Paperboard / Plastic Liner (1)
- Paraffin / Plastic Polymers (1)
- Paraffin / Polymers (1)
- Plastic / Polystyrene (1)
- Plastic Handle (1)
- Plexiglass (1)
- Polmer / Plastic Backing (1)
- Polycarbonate / Epoxy Painted Metal (1)
- Polycarbonate / Polyurethane (1)
- Polycarbonate Plastic (1)
- Polyester / Polypropylene (1)
- Polyethersulfone (1)
- Polyethylene / ABS (1)
- Polyethylene / Acrylic Adhesive (1)
- Polyethylene / PolyPaper™ (1)
- Polyethylene / Silicone (1)
- Polypropylene / PTFE (1)
- Polypropylene / PTFE Membrane (1)
- Polypropylene Funnel / TFE Stopcock (1)
- Polypropylene Tube / HDPE Funnel (1)
- Polypropylene, Acrylic Adhesive Sublayer (1)
- Polystyrene / PES (1)
- Polystyrene Divinlybenzene (1)
- Polyurethane Foam (1)
- Polyurethane, Chrome-plated steel (1)
- Porcelain (1)
- Powder-coated Steel (1)
- Quartz Glass (1)
- Rubber / Cork (1)
- Rubber Cork (1)
- Silicone Adhesive (1)
- Solid Epoxy (1)
- Stainless Steel / Alloy (1)
- Stainless Steel / Polycarbonate Case (1)
- Stainless Steel, 3-Facet Edge (1)
- Stainless steel (1)
- TBG / PVDF (1)
- TFE (1)
- Teflon PTFE (1)
- Latex Free Indicator
Manufacturer Name
- Fisher Scientific (719)
- Siemens (309)
- Beckman Coulter (168)
- Thermo Scientific Nalge (133)
- BD (100)
- PANTek Technologies LLC (80)
- Thermo Fisher/Barnstead (71)
- Globe Scientific (66)
- Abbott (65)
- Heathrow Scientific LLC (47)
- Quasar Instruments LLC (44)
- Sigma Chemical Company (41)
- Biomerieux (40)
- Cole-Parmer Inst (37)
- Market Lab Inc (37)
- Agilent Technologies (33)
- Boekel Industries (31)
- United Products & Instruments (30)
- StatLab Medical Products (26)
- Accu-Scope Inc (26)
- Abbott Rapid Dx North America LLC (23)
- Leica Biosystems (23)
- DWK Life Sciences LLC (22)
- LW Scientific (22)
- Cardinal (21)
- Horiba (21)
- Hardy Diagnostics (20)
- Hemocue (18)
- McKesson Brand (17)
- Elitech Group Inc (17)
- Minaris Medical America Inc (17)
- Bel-Art Products (16)
- Control Solutions Inc (16)
- Poltex Inc (16)
- Fisher Anatomical (15)
- Labconco (15)
- Sarstedt (15)
- Simport Scientific (15)
- Sonoco Protective Solutions (15)
- Alfa Wassermann (14)
- Ortho Clinical Diagnostics (13)
- Seiler Instrument & Manufacturing (13)
- Troy Biologicals (12)
- Intoximeters Inc (11)
- Sysmex America (11)
- Cancer Diagnostics (10)
- Carolina Liquid Chemistries (10)
- Remel (10)
- Azer Scientific (9)
- Caplugs (9)
- North Florida Biomedical (9)
- Ward's Science (9)
- Western Scientific (9)
- Eppendorf North America (8)
- Thermco Products Inc (8)
- Arlington Scientific (7)
- CELLTREAT Scientific Products (7)
- Gold Standard Diagnostics Corp (7)
- Polymedco Cancer Diagnostic (7)
- Abbott Point of Care (6)
- Coagusense (6)
- Dickson Company (6)
- Richard-Allan Scientific (6)
- Tri-Med Americas Corp (6)
- Werfen USA LLC (5)
- Aegis Scientific (5)
- Dynamic Diagnostics (5)
- Fenwal (5)
- Goodmark Medical LLC (5)
- Graham-Field (5)
- Healthmark Industries (5)
- Hettich Instruments (5)
- Hollister-Stier Laboratories (5)
- Myco Medical Supplies (5)
- PTS Diagnostics (5)
- Tosoh Bioscience (5)
- AlcoPro (4)
- Beekley Medical (4)
- LifeSign (4)
- Lifeloc Technologies (4)
- Med Water Systems LLC (4)
- Medegen Medical Products LLC (4)
- Medix Corp (4)
- Molecular BioProducts (4)
- Quidel (4)
- Roche Diagnostics (4)
- Bio-Rad Laboratories (3)
- Stanbio Laboratory (3)
- AccuTec Blades (3)
- Aspen Surgical (Symmetry) (3)
- B. Braun (3)
- Bemis (3)
- Clarity Diagnostics (3)
- Global Industrial (3)
- Helena Laboratories (3)
- Intermetro Industries (3)
- Medtronic-Neurological (3)
- Meridian (3)
- Hemosure (2)
- 3M Company (2)
- ALK Laboratories (2)
- Bard Peripheral Vascular (2)
- DeltaTrak Inc (2)
- Drucker (2)
- EK Industries Inc (2)
- Everest Manufacturing (2)
- Fisher Scientific Life Tech (2)
- Grainger (2)
- Greiner Bio-One (2)
- Innovative Medical Technologies (2)
- JRB Medical Associates Inc (2)
- NanoEnTek USA Inc (2)
- North American Rescue (2)
- Polymedco (2)
- Prolab Diagnostics (2)
- Qualigen (2)
- Safetec of America (2)
- Scientific Device Lab (2)
- Sekisui Diagnostics (2)
- Separation Technology (2)
- Smiths Medical ASD Inc (2)
- Steris (2)
- Terumo BCT (2)
- Thermo Fisher Scientific (2)
- Transcend Biologics (2)
- Uline (2)
- VWR International (2)
- ASP Global LLC (1)
- Acon Laboratories (1)
- Aesculap (1)
- American Diagnostic Corp (1)
- American Labor (1)
- Atila BioSystems Inc (1)
- Auxo Medical (1)
- BR Surgical (1)
- Biotage LLC (1)
- Brymill Cryogenic Systems (1)
- Cepheid (1)
- Chematics (1)
- Choyce Products Inc (1)
- Civco Medical Instruments (1)
- Cold Chain Technologies (1)
- Confirm Biosciences (1)
- Cooper Surgical (1)
- Copan Diagnostics (1)
- Decon Labs (1)
- EDM 3 LLC (1)
- Express Diagnostics (1)
- Fabrication Enterprises (1)
- Fisher & Paykel (1)
- Forensic Technologies Inc (1)
- Future Health Concepts (1)
- Genbio (1)
- Germaine Laboratories Inc (1)
- Gynex (1)
- Heine USA (1)
- Hopkins Medical Products (1)
- Horizon Scientific Inc (1)
- Integra Lifesciences (1)
- Invacare (1)
- J & J Healthcare Systems (1)
- Jedmed Instrument Company (1)
- Kawasumi Laboratories (1)
- Louis M. Gerson (1)
- LumiraDx Inc (1)
- Maddak (1)
- Medco Manufacturing (1)
- Medica Corp (1)
- Medical Action Industries (1)
- Medical Chemical (1)
- Medical Packaging (1)
- Microgenics (1)
- Molecular Designs LLC (1)
- Nasco Healthcare (1)
- Natus Medical (1)
- Olympus America Inc (1)
- Peace Medical (1)
- Pinestar Technology (1)
- Precipio Inc (1)
- Precision Medical (1)
- Propper Manufacturing (1)
- Puritan Medical Products (1)
- Quotient Biodiagnostics Inc (1)
- R.G. Medical Diagnostics (1)
- Redfield Corp (1)
- Roche (1)
- SPS Medical Supply (1)
- Simply Thick (1)
- Smt Health Systems (1)
- Streck Laboratories (1)
- Taylor Healthcare Products (1)
- Therapak Corp (1)
- Thermomedics Inc (1)
- Tuttnauer USA (1)
- Typenex Medical (1)
- V. Mueller (1)
- Visby Medical (1)
- Vitrolife Inc (1)
- WCM (1)
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- Fisher Anatomical #22050160
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,for, Item ID-
- #1000131
- Fisher Anatomical #22050161
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,for, Item ID-
- #1000132
- Fisher Anatomical #22050162
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,for, Item ID-
- #1000175
- Fisher Anatomical #3446
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,for, Item ID-
- #1000260
- Quasar Instruments LLC #2031-310-10S
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,for, Item ID-
- #1000261
- Quasar Instruments LLC #2031-318S
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,for, Item ID-
- #1000448
- Fisher Scientific #SLMP025SS
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,for, Item ID-
- #1000693
- Fisher Scientific #S80218
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,for, Item ID-
- #1000906
- Fisher Scientific #12565180
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,for, Item ID-
- #1001192
- Fisher Scientific #S47606
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